
X: Platinum - Fuuma & Kamui

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, Fuuma Monou, Kamui Shirou
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series Fuuma Monou Character Kamui Shirou Character


I scanned this from a furoku sticker in Clamp Newtype Platinum.
This is the only new picture in the whole magazine. T_T

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  1. wistri Oct 03, 2006

    Oh! Thank you very much for the scan

  2. MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Oct 03, 2006

    I love this scan! Thank you for sharing it.

  3. silverdragon Oct 03, 2006

    it's a shame that it's the only new one, but even so it's so gourgeous XD
    I want more new X pics!
    thanx so much for sharing :)

  4. milla-chan Oct 03, 2006

    i really was looking forward for this scan
    Thank you very much for sharing it :)
    i gotta add this to my favorites :)

    Clamp-fanatic+Fye-lover XD

  5. X-kai Oct 04, 2006

    OMG! NO WAY! I've never seen this image before, Thank-You so much for sharing Marissa! :D
    I wish CLAMP would make new X pictures...I'm a bit sad to hear this is their only new one :( ...But this one is awsome and going to my favs. :) Thanx again! ;)

  6. RabienRose Oct 04, 2006

    wow! thanks soooo much for sharing! absolutely love!

  7. chiriann Oct 04, 2006

    The only one new, but so pretty... I wish I could see more of such masterpieces, sigh... So thank you very, very much for sharing this !
    Gotta love Fuuma`s smile ;)...

  8. eowynB612 Oct 04, 2006

    aaaaaaaaa, God, thanks for the hi-res scan ! I love to see them together ! SWEET !
    ^_^, Kamui looks hot and cute, and Fuuma looks .. "evil" as always ^_^ !

  9. kayurachan Retired Moderator Oct 06, 2006

    The first X new pic in a... don't know? year? ages? Woo...
    I wonder if Clamp just dropped this series or what else ^_^'
    Thanx for sharing Marissa, your scans are always amazing!

  10. HontoniKawaii Oct 06, 2006

    Thanx for sharing all clamp's wonderful scans with us!
    It's kin'da dissapointing though... I was waiting anticipaintly for the new CLAMP new type to come - and just one new image? Oh well, I still LOVE CLAMP non the less - however - what about X indeed?

  11. Kairi-Hearts Oct 07, 2006

    yay thnx for sharing this!
    I only have a small version of it :D :D
    Yay for CLAMP!

  12. dreamkokoroangel Oct 08, 2006

    The both of them actually showed a smile. =o
    Cuz' if there's an image of them they usually sad or in deep meaning.

  13. eclipsegurl012 Oct 08, 2006

    I love X scans[esp with Kamui*sighs*] but how come the new scans always features these two. I want new X scans with other characters like Nataku. T.T

  14. Hanazaki Oct 11, 2006

    aahh..another new X scan. Thanks for sharing this.

  15. KaiLi Oct 12, 2006

    I got the mag too, but I wanted it nicely scanned so I could use it! :)
    Thx "a lots", really! ^.^
    And yes, it's the only new one, but it's so beautiful, it was worth it! XD

  16. Atashii Oct 12, 2006

    Nice scan! i love Fumma and kamui!

    Thansk for sharing it with us!

    Add to favorites

  17. soryane Oct 13, 2006

    thanks for this pic ! i like X's dragons of earth & sky ! they're good looking !

  18. sash Apr 19, 2007

    O.O absolutely gorgeous

  19. jaejoong May 05, 2007

    Look Different for the clamp

  20. Lumyong Sep 17, 2007

    This's CooL Scan!
    Thank you so much for your sharing this!>_<

  21. Enysha Sep 18, 2007

    I love Kamui *

  22. eross Feb 06, 2008

    Stekiiiiiiii !
    ^_^' (wonder i spell it right)
    But really I mean it KYAA

  23. schaft Apr 07, 2008


  24. farhana Jun 01, 2008

    Nice scan!
    But.. is it just me or they look like Kurogane and Fai from Tsubasa?

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