
Valkyrie Profile: valk6

tri-Ace, Valkyrie Profile, Nanami (Valkyrie Profile), Lezard Valeth, Platina
tri-Ace Studio Valkyrie Profile Game Nanami (Valkyrie Profile) Character Lezard Valeth Character Platina Character


From Valkyrie Profile Material Collection . . . source: bt
I have cut the white borders around the image . . .

The image is a gift for a friend that has his birthday today (2th of Oktober ) . . . Happy birthday PrairieDogy, enjoy the fireworks! ;)

*Not my scan, done by dpg*

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  1. Lady-Lotus Oct 02, 2006

    JAWDROP! OH WOW! this looks awesome! The girl is so pretty here. the perspective is really good and the fireworks is so amaing, it's like you can actually feel it.

  2. PrairieDogGuy2006 Oct 02, 2006

    I wanna be there checking out the firewerks w/ everyone ! Waaaa !
    LoL ! Just beautiful, my heart thanks U, Ithnadml kun ! You are too sweet !

  3. annakee Oct 04, 2006

    spechless once again u_u
    im moved easy today

  4. MizuhofanFFX2se Jan 04, 2008

    Lenneth x Lezard... how beautiful... ROLF...

  5. Eraiza199 Mar 12, 2009

    Actually, that is Platina, the human version of Lenneth.

  6. chebach Mar 12, 2010

    thanks pal,it is an amazin work!

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