Vectors + surfing Luffy + excellent colors = <3
Like I said on AP, I really love this. Great job =)

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Ahem...just checking my old stuff on my hdd
then realized...I didn't submit this one here. I forgot or something I dunno.
Whatever...*pasting from AP* many hours I ve spend on this; I can't calculate now. But a lot.
I had a thing for this scan since I first seen this which is at the beginning of last year. But I couldn't been
able to find it till now. It's original, definitely moody and funky.
The quality of the original was lacking so I decided to make a vectorout of this; for the first time. I ve done linearts
and played a little on PS but this was my first time using illustrator. masters say it's quite nice for a
first so I am proud.
Ahem; as for the composition. It's totally random xD (ORLY?!) I realized that I have no plan to complete the vector
when I finished it. Soo...randomness with just a little atmospheric =P
Anyways; people who watched one piece ll recognize the scene and the recklessness so I am not describing anything. I
would like to thank and give much love to Gid and Tate for assisting me. Their ideas and suggestions were
most helpful. Now it's time to go back to work -_-
original scan
Hope you like it all...
Chosen by flyindreams and euna
If this didn't catch your eyes, then there's something seriously wrong with them. lol
Just one look is probably enough to be almost addicted to the image. I know I couldn't take my eyes off the
wonderful mix of vector and hot colours. Vector meets grunge - that's probably not that common, but we can see how
well it works. The combination grungy text, splat and sleek layout make this one special wallpaper you'll
definitely want on your desktop.
Proposed by flyindreams and highlighted by euna.
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Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 30, 2006
SakuraShirayuki Sep 30, 2006
the vector is really nice ^^ but i would change the opacity of the simple black pattern!
what i like best are the spalshes and the fronts! they really suits the whole wallpaper! -
Firemace Sep 30, 2006
Oh my .... I got captivated by it for quite long. *_*
Ay ay... that's forgetful. ;) Love the splurt of water and vect. Hmm.. i don't need any other words to say it. XD `Cause you just stop my heart for a sec from smiling and laughing. It got a Sunshine aura ! Man, do i need it these days.
Nevertheless, Perfect. :)
THanks for making and *Gulps* Remembering it. :)
drastikhate Sep 30, 2006
How could u have forgotten!?! For almost a whole year! Next time, dont keep such a great wallpaper from us! +fav!
darkangelcrisis Sep 30, 2006
defininetly the hawt...
flyindreams Sep 30, 2006
I liked this one... XD and how dynamic you managed to make it :)
euna Retired Moderator Sep 30, 2006
Omg. This is brilliant. O_O
I can't take my eyes off it. It's sooooo eye-catching! All the hot funky colours and the layout coupled with those splashes are just awesome. I'm highlighting this. =D -
ridethegus Sep 30, 2006
this wallpaper is trippy! im not much of a one piece fan but its pretty =)
anji Sep 30, 2006
Oh yeah I remember commenting on this on AP ^^
It's a pretty cool wall. Differents styles are clashing but it's also the reason why this wall seems original.
I like patterns ^^
And I like Luffy ^^
:D -
MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Sep 30, 2006
I really like the background of this wallpaper! It looks cool!
zaira Sep 30, 2006
wow! this one is funky! XD
i like the color combos!
+ those cool splatter effects!
great wall as always! >_<
+fav! -
fuyuu Sep 30, 2006
It sure does eye-catching! (:
Fran Retired Moderator Sep 30, 2006
so eye-catching!
Love the vector, Luffy's pose is awesome
I like it so much!
Everything is perfect
+ fav -
Ephemeral-Garden Sep 30, 2006
I though I saw this already in AP. XD But either way, I haven't comment on this wall so I'll leave something for you. ^^
Very exquisite vector. :) The vector is very neatly done, and not to mention that the use of various and suitable textures makes everything looks matching and fitting. I still can't use textures over vector. -_-
And not to mention you've done so quite well with splashes. I usually end up making horribly crappy when I got the hold on splash brushes. Very nicely done indeed, fuku! It's definitely worth your time in front of the pc. :)
pana Oct 01, 2006
as soon as i saw this piece i knew this was your work mate
as usual all i got to say is well done
another quality wallpaper
keep rolling them out;) -
h3ll0g00dby3 Oct 01, 2006
uwaaaaaaa! so cool ~ ! >w< luffy rawkZ!
bvc100 Oct 01, 2006
This one's gonna be a classic...
HaWaIIofHoaI Oct 01, 2006
how cool. =)
Mocaw Oct 01, 2006
Excellent composition ! The movements are really great. I like the way the sunshines are done.
pamkips Oct 02, 2006
O____O this is awesome
original and it has luffy XD
plus vector + tecture = kawaii lovin' it -
Oyazi Oct 03, 2006
really cool to see good One Piece art :) ...cos there are not many
Yclectica Oct 04, 2006
This is really incredible. I have to admit, I've never seen One Piece art quite like this, and it's awesome. The color scheme is great. Excellent job!
lukesky Oct 04, 2006
Luffy is really cool when he is surfing! XD (Huh... can he?)
Awesome I really like it! -
MissyG Oct 06, 2006
Kekeke. Awesome... I love the background! :D Scan looks cool too =P Vector vector vector~ I'm a vector freak so... <3 fav
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