I have to say, I think the first one's much better (the one with black eyes). It's a nice mesh of light and dark, and thanks for sharing!
Artist Comment
For the Inspiration Project at Simple-ism.
My inspiration:
A Simple Black Vector Wall by crapmonster
Jigoku Shoujo: Red on Black by
Layers: about 15
I originally wanted to find a scan where there's a lot of hair in the bangs, so I can just define the inside of the hair and fade it out to black, then shade with black (probably half of the face).
Then I came across this scan in the WHR gallery, so I played around with the darkness/contrast a bit, and this kinda came out of it. Since she doesn't have enough strands on her face, I decided to define the base colour of the hair.
I originally wanted to use a few solid colours, but tried using textures instead because I've never vectored with textures like this before. Textures came from http://hybrid-genesis.net/ and http://www.aethereality.net/ A lot of experiementation with blend modes and stuff to make her hair kinda firey. I debated forever on whether or not I wanted to colour her eyes and shading on her face. But I ended up leaving them black because it's more stark.
Alternate version (solid colours):
which version is better?
Edit: I don't know why the edges or the hair looks slightly jagged =_=... it looked fine before I turned it into JPG...
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TrigunPreacherGirl Sep 18, 2006
flyindreams Sep 18, 2006
It looks nice... definitely get a strong sense of emergence ^^ The font doesn't quite fit though; maybe try some of the more standard fonts but mess with the font settings? I can see this working either with lots of fontage or with none at all, and when in doubt I tend to find that less/none is better than more :3
P.S. I like textured version better... the colors are richer than the non-textured one.
EldaLacus92 Sep 18, 2006
Simple ;) And dark; that's the only things it first comes in my mind ^_^'
kadaj-sama Sep 18, 2006
Yay for Robin. I like it, very cool.
Odeena Sep 19, 2006
Awesome vector! I like the concept -- simple and clean. Another instant fave :)
UchihaTaijiya Sep 19, 2006
Very awesome! ::favs:: I've only seen a little Witch Hunter Robin, but I enjoyed it. She's very pretty to me. <3 your work! Please keep it up! ^.^
SakuraShirayuki Sep 19, 2006
ui! nice nice!
sure fav!
^^ -
LeeAnn Sep 23, 2006
dats so cute of robin!
Sabbathiel Oct 05, 2006
I just watched Witch Hunter Robin... and I was searching for some intresting wallies with her... and I found one! YOURS! It looks really good! -
iamrobinsena Dec 14, 2006
I like how Robin stands out without it being too bold, and yeah I like the first version, too. Hooray for you! I hope u make more WHR wallies! :D
clymore May 19, 2010
i like sana robin a lot way can i do?
theremosster May 23, 2010
This is a very nice wallpaper.
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