
Witch Hunter Robin Wallpaper: Fire from the Darkness

Sunrise (Studio), Witch Hunter Robin, Robin Sena Wallpaper
Sunrise (Studio) Studio Witch Hunter Robin Series Robin Sena Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

For the Inspiration Project at Simple-ism.

My inspiration:
A Simple Black Vector Wall by crapmonster
Jigoku Shoujo: Red on Black by zephiris26

Layers: about 15

I originally wanted to find a scan where there's a lot of hair in the bangs, so I can just define the inside of the hair and fade it out to black, then shade with black (probably half of the face).

Then I came across this scan in the WHR gallery, so I played around with the darkness/contrast a bit, and this kinda came out of it. Since she doesn't have enough strands on her face, I decided to define the base colour of the hair.

I originally wanted to use a few solid colours, but tried using textures instead because I've never vectored with textures like this before. Textures came from http://hybrid-genesis.net/ and http://www.aethereality.net/ A lot of experiementation with blend modes and stuff to make her hair kinda firey. I debated forever on whether or not I wanted to colour her eyes and shading on her face. But I ended up leaving them black because it's more stark.

Alternate version (solid colours):

which version is better?

Edit: I don't know why the edges or the hair looks slightly jagged =_=... it looked fine before I turned it into JPG...


More Witch Hunter Robin Wallpapers

Browse Witch Hunter Robin Gallery: Recent | Popular.

Browse Witch Hunter Robin Gallery: Recent | Popular.


  1. TrigunPreacherGirl Sep 18, 2006

    I have to say, I think the first one's much better (the one with black eyes). It's a nice mesh of light and dark, and thanks for sharing!

  2. flyindreams Sep 18, 2006

    It looks nice... definitely get a strong sense of emergence ^^ The font doesn't quite fit though; maybe try some of the more standard fonts but mess with the font settings? I can see this working either with lots of fontage or with none at all, and when in doubt I tend to find that less/none is better than more :3

    P.S. I like textured version better... the colors are richer than the non-textured one.

  3. EldaLacus92 Sep 18, 2006

    Simple ;) And dark; that's the only things it first comes in my mind ^_^'

  4. kadaj-sama Sep 18, 2006

    Yay for Robin. I like it, very cool.

  5. Odeena Sep 19, 2006

    Awesome vector! I like the concept -- simple and clean. Another instant fave :)

  6. UchihaTaijiya Sep 19, 2006

    Very awesome! ::favs:: I've only seen a little Witch Hunter Robin, but I enjoyed it. She's very pretty to me. <3 your work! Please keep it up! ^.^

  7. SakuraShirayuki Sep 19, 2006

    ui! nice nice!
    sure fav!

  8. LeeAnn Sep 23, 2006

    dats so cute of robin!

  9. Sabbathiel Oct 05, 2006

    I just watched Witch Hunter Robin... and I was searching for some intresting wallies with her... and I found one! YOURS! It looks really good!

  10. iamrobinsena Dec 14, 2006

    I like how Robin stands out without it being too bold, and yeah I like the first version, too. Hooray for you! I hope u make more WHR wallies! :D

  11. clymore May 19, 2010

    i like sana robin a lot way can i do?

  12. theremosster May 23, 2010

    This is a very nice wallpaper.

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