
Kantoku Wallpaper: December calendar

Kantoku, Sakura Musubi, Karen Sera, Unidentified Wallpaper
Kantoku Mangaka Sakura Musubi Visual Novel Karen Sera Character Unidentified Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi everybody...

Long time no see ^^...

I"m proud to present you my latest wall. It's for a contest-like we did with my group, THE FRENCH TRIBU... We had an idea about creating a calendar for year 2006... I proposed myself to make the 12th month, and this is it !

You can find the other wallies - HERE - !

I searched a model and idea for this month, without put the traditionnal SANTA CLAUS closes... So I found this girl really cute, and why not, she could have the christmas spirit !

So, I hope you will like it, and I wish you all good things in everythings !http://vaiowega.free.fr/site/smileys/banane.gif

AC2N http://vaiowega.free.fr/site/smileys/jorkyball.gif

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  1. Pladao38 Sep 15, 2006

    A really lovely walle >_<.
    The background is nice and the girl is cute too :D.
    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  2. Somnabu Sep 15, 2006

    very excellent wallpaper with calendar on it...
    The CG is normal, and i can say nothing about it, because it is soooo general like others, but the background style is unique ..the effect you used to paint the wall makes it really abstract.

  3. kokuyu Sep 15, 2006

    good inovation! this girl can lighten up the christmas spirit. and the background looks unique~ ^_^

  4. yalubluchay Sep 15, 2006

    Very pretty. I love the snow, december is my birthday :)

  5. Obake-anneso Sep 15, 2006

    Salut :) Je vois que tu es fran

  6. AnimeFanChris Sep 15, 2006

    It looks really good^^ The background is nice and the girl goes well with it. This will be my winter desktop in December ^_^ *adds to favs*

    merged: 09-16-2006 ~ 03:55am
    I love your wallie^^ Its got a great background with a cute girl that fit very good together. I love it! *adds to favs*

  7. cheez Sep 16, 2006

    Love the pic.
    Requesting non-calendar version.

    merged: 09-16-2006 ~ 08:13am
    Sweetness, love the pic.
    Requesting non-calendar version.

  8. BlkLotus Sep 16, 2006

    oh AC2N wonderful job..
    i love the match of the bg and the girl. awesome job :)

  9. KurriKlown Sep 16, 2006

    Aww, I have to wait till December to use this. :) Until then, I can practice my days of the week in french. Lundi, mardi, mercredi.. no wait, weekends are more important, samedi et dimanche! Done! :P

    Great wall man! I approve.

  10. eternallegend Sep 16, 2006

    i like the background with the snow covered theme :) the girl matches your wall well, the calender for december is a really interesting idea XD nice wall ^^

  11. audeaya Sep 16, 2006

    kikou AC2N :D
    j'aime beaucoup l'idee de ton wall, et ne di surtout pas que tu sais pas bien te debrouiller moi je le trouve tres bien fait, le scan est de bonne qualite, le BG est bien adapte au scan. Je suis contente de voir le personnage sourire pdt cette periode de l'annee ^^ c'est agreable moi j'adore la neige et ce mois de fete!XD cela merite un petit fav ^^
    a bientot

  12. Rikumaru Sep 17, 2006

    Great choice of character and setting ^^!

  13. anji Sep 18, 2006

    I also think that the character match really well the theme.
    I'm not really found of the texture you used that much. Just not sure if it was the best you could have choose.
    Still ca depend de ce que tu voulais creer comme effet.
    Je crois aussi que le wall aurait gagne en "chaleurosite" si tu jouais un peu avec les contrastes de couleur, surtout sur le personnage, faire ressortir le rouge de sa robe en vivacite serait joli je crois.
    Sinon le fond est interressant, j'aime bien ces vignes enneiges.
    Et l'idee du wall est chouette ca change de l'ordinaire, continue comme ca ;)

  14. kawai Sep 19, 2006

    hehe tres bon ^^
    wouha ca fait bizarre de poster apres un ptit moment :)

    j esp

  15. fidiou Sep 22, 2006

    Very beautiful wall! I like the caracter and the background is wonderful! Salutation and bravo at you!

  16. 1219 Oct 14, 2006

    so cute~ adds to favs ^_^

  17. Fsushi Dec 31, 2006


  18. Mandarine Mar 10, 2007

    I like it, the atmosphere correspond well to the month you choose. The red character can warm the viewer.

  19. AliceS Dec 08, 2008

    the dress on the girl is a yukata isn't it

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