
Shunsuke Taue Wallpaper: follow the butterflies

Shunsuke Taue Wallpaper
Shunsuke Taue Mangaka

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hy, here is my newest wallie.

Please enlarge the wallie to see the details. :D

This is my first water reflection, which I have ever konstract. It was not easy but I thinks it lokks not bad. ^_^'
I like it so I hope you think so, too.








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  1. Melisandre Sep 14, 2006

    Beautiful and bright, I like it. I love the pic, where did you get it? It's really nice. Anyway, favie here we come ;)

  2. Angi Retired Moderator Sep 14, 2006

    Very pretty!
    nice work

  3. Struppi Sep 14, 2006

    Wow,veeeryyy nice *~*

  4. KyoFan368 Sep 14, 2006

    Ohh that is really good! I got on to MT and was on the frontpage(or whatever it's called homepage whatever!^_^) and I saw this wall and thought "hmm... that looks like a pretty cool wall I wonder if steffimon submitted it?" And What do you know, you did!^_^
    It looks reall great! I love all the butterflies and the background looks fantastic! The girl looks so mysterious! You did a fantastic job on this wall!^_^ Thanks for sharing. :) :D :pacman:

  5. Rhonda21 Sep 15, 2006

    oh yeah love the full view. Very pretty! Nice reflection and lovely butterflies. Great work!

  6. hinatatian Sep 15, 2006

    So beautiful~~><
    I love it!

  7. BlueAngel17 Sep 15, 2006

    wow, nice! however the face of the character doesn't look like nice quality, don't know why. awww.. how i wished you put her wings instead like the butterflies.. T_T this will be a great entry in our contest.. please don't forget to introduce this at our gb for the other members to look. :)

    I like the water too.. gee.. a dark wall filled with light.. nice job. :p

  8. enchantment Sep 15, 2006

    wow, i love the butterflies and the water reflection is really nice :) the background is quite interesting with the darkish background and white shiny butterflies :D nice wall~^^

  9. quantixar Sep 15, 2006

    Wow, beautiful wallie. The butterflies looks so nice. They're really popular these days aren't they. :) Nice job!

  10. eternallegend Sep 15, 2006

    i like how you contrasted the colours in your wall, the butterflies look nice as well as the reflection, interesting concept with the darkish mood and white butterflies :) the background looks nice, overall lovely wall ^^

  11. juanicths Sep 15, 2006

    Nice job on doing the colors up and adding in more butterflies ^^ Especially like how the rays of light come across. Good try on the reflection too~~

    However, what saddens me is that you didn't credit the original scan... It's not only polite to do so, it's also to give others access to it so that they can make use of it to play about with other styles...

    Anyways, here's the scan on MT for anybody else who is interested to compare or play with other styles...
    another pamphlet... by juanicths

  12. Rikkablurhound Sep 16, 2006

    Its very nice^^
    The contrast of the wall is beautifully matching.
    I like those woods or whatever U call that in the back, The butterflies are a great idea too XD
    The only thing I dont really like is the vines on top... >_< It looks a lil too contrast or smth... >_<
    but its nicely done & I like it overall XD

  13. nanapan Sep 16, 2006

    Wow! Exellent ! very beautiful !good colorful ! I like this wallpaper ... Thx for this wallpaper... ^^

  14. starrliteangel Sep 16, 2006

    its very nice and I like the overall composition, but it seems as if you forgot the water brush in the two spots on the bottom corners (or is that on purpose?). You did a really nice job with the reflection though (something I always have problems with) and those butterflies are pretty. But I do suggest not overlaying (or whatever technique you used) the character so much because shes just a liiittle too bright.

  15. Apopis Sep 18, 2006

    a very good image my congratulations

  16. hikarinotenshi Sep 20, 2006

    this is very very beautiful. the idea first of all is beautiful..but the light and darkness contrast adds to that. althought the only thing i would have to say that i didn't like would be the water. but overall u did a gooedjob

  17. blackvelvet Sep 21, 2006

    really beautiful... sugoii..

  18. mikan-sakura Sep 22, 2006

    this is such a beautiful wallie the butterflies and the colors + scan + bg it all matches so well good job on the idea too ^^
    +fav :)

  19. gabysango2011 Sep 23, 2006

    i looooooveeeee it....i looove the butterflies...great job...dear...and that water is awesome....+ fav....definitely

  20. CACHOYLAGRAN7 Sep 23, 2006

    Simply Awesome!

  21. happyasian1000000 Oct 26, 2006

    WOW very beautiful and awesome to look at, i favor walls that uses so many colors with dark bases, it just enlightens all of the wall and illuminates the characters

    FAV FOR SURE and thank you soooooooooooooo much

  22. Scaryanna Nov 23, 2006

    I love the effects!

  23. nanapan Nov 27, 2006

    Wow ! very beautiful ! really wonderful !1 I like this wallapper.... Thx for beautiful wallpaper... ^^

  24. Anason Dec 27, 2006

    Wow "Follow The Butterflys" is real nice :)

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