
Black Cat: Sven

Kentaro Yabuki, Gonzo, Black Cat, Sven Vollfied, Vector Art
Kentaro Yabuki Mangaka Gonzo Studio Black Cat Series Sven Vollfied Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Yay now it's Sven. The next should be the purple haired girl-whose name I forgot. I'll research about when I'm done with this.
The source is a scan somewhere on this site... Sven was on a corner, worrying, I loved his expression so much I had to vector it XD

Though I'm afraid this was specially hard since I was more careful and I just applied the techniques I learned while doing the Eve and Train vectors....

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  1. TypeZERO Sep 07, 2006

    I checked out your other two Black Cat vectors before I took a look at this one and I have to say, I think you've done a really great job on all three of them. There was one thing I noticed on this one though... Where Sven's hair meets his hat at the top left side, there is some slightly faded green mark which I'm guessing shouldn't be there ^_^' ...Still, the actual vector is awesome and I'll be faving all of them for sure ^^
    Oh, and by the way... the purple haired girl is called Rinslet Walker ^^;

  2. Guinoux Restricted Member Dec 07, 2008

    Sven is the character the most nice of Black Cat ^^ It is the gentleman of moment (self-proclaimed, attention). He is too funny!

  3. Roy-Cheke Mute Member Oct 09, 2009

    El man de los Codigos de un Caballero!

  4. aqito May 25, 2010

    ahahahaha, it's so funny! great job!

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