I checked out your other two Black Cat vectors before I took a look at this one and I have to say, I think you've
done a really great job on all three of them. There was one thing I noticed on this one though... Where Sven's hair
meets his hat at the top left side, there is some slightly faded green mark which I'm guessing shouldn't be
there ^_^' ...Still, the actual vector is awesome and I'll be faving all of them for sure ^^
Oh, and by the way... the purple haired girl is called Rinslet Walker ^^;
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Yay now it's Sven. The next should be the purple haired girl-whose name I forgot. I'll research about when
I'm done with this.
The source is a scan somewhere on this site... Sven was on a corner, worrying, I loved his expression so much I had to
vector it XD
Though I'm afraid this was specially hard since I was more careful and I just applied the techniques I learned while doing the Eve and Train vectors....
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TypeZERO Sep 07, 2006
Guinoux Restricted Member Dec 07, 2008
Sven is the character the most nice of Black Cat ^^ It is the gentleman of moment (self-proclaimed, attention). He is too funny!
Roy-Cheke Mute Member Oct 09, 2009
El man de los Codigos de un Caballero!
aqito May 25, 2010
ahahahaha, it's so funny! great job!
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