
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: Jupiter & Venus

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


This time I bring you the second wallie... I'm planning on doing the Princesses one too! ;)
I think I loved how this one turned out! ;)
But the colors of the Mars & Mercury fit better...
WELL! It's up to you! ;)

I almost gave up doing this wallie, because there was too many text over Jupiter's skirt, and it was really difficult to remove it... >.<
Unfortunately I kept on and the result was nice! *-*
The image is from the 7th LD Cover from Sailor Moon Super S. Credits to SOS Sailor Moon Project and Moon-Prism-net. >>original scan here<<
What do you think?
Tell me... ;)

Ah! This is also dedicated to my heart-sister Cosmos-chan! =****
Love you, baby! ^-^
Thanks for all the supprt... ;)

check out also...
>>Mars & Mercury<<

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  1. Emma Aug 28, 2006

    Oh wow! I adore Sailormoon! And you did another one of Mars and Mercury! *runs to that one too* I am collecting these from you! LOL
    This is gorgeous. First off, great quality with the scan. And the background really matches with the two colors--orange and green. This is beautiful! I also see of Neptune and Uranus. WOW! Now do you have one of Saturn and Pluto? ^_^

  2. IzumiChan Sep 23, 2006

    Their position is so surreal, isn't it? XD
    Anyway, good work too. Blending green and orange is not that easy, but you did it nicely. Earth-like tones are cozy~ :)
    The reconstruction of the scan is perfect, I can't even notice it. :D
    Great job! \0/

  3. mikeroach113 Oct 06, 2006

    Two of the top three hottest senshi!

  4. kira-freedom Nov 03, 2006

    2 girls very cute^^
    I love venus.

  5. Haven100 Nov 24, 2006

    Awsome Work! Glad you didn't give up :) I love this wallpaper!
    I've seen this scan before and I agree it would be hard to get the text off, you did an awsome job to take it off!
    Yay! My favorite character Sailor Jupiter is on it :)
    Great job! Keep up the good work :)

  6. deedeezel Dec 23, 2006

    I would love to see your work with sailormoon...
    oh, pretty please....I JUST LOVE IT

  7. Tamahome23 Dec 25, 2006

    Very nice.

  8. Waterfalling Mar 21, 2008

    Adorable! You would think the colours would clash but they don't - the background is really nice.

  9. ShootingStar1201 Jun 23, 2010

    have no idea....the picture is awesome

  10. cromwell1655 Mar 16, 2011

    Really sweet scan of them. Thanks for sharing.

  11. shadrougeforever Sep 14, 2011

    Such a beautiful background for those two

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