
Yukirin Wallpaper: The Power of the Planets

Yukirin Wallpaper
Yukirin Mangaka

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Haha! I did this since 12 midnight till 3 in the morn...
I wanted to wall this scan ages ago & I did the extraction but the extraction was really a pain... T_T
Its still not really good as U see...
The actual scan was found here...
It had wings I think... ^_^' Im not sure, it was just a red piece of mess...
then... the lines... I joined some of them up again & so is the hair...
I did enjoy myself though...
it took me lil time coz its wat I always do in my walls...
This time I added a lil more brushes. they're from devianart. ^^
Then... erm... the cross...
If U've seen my doujinshi... Im sure u would'nt miss it...
Its drawn by me... XD
i extracted it & blend it inside with some bevel-emboss & so too ^^
well... I hope U like it... XD
I kinda like it... XD
Its pretty plain from my usual ones & I kinda like it XD
Here is My Doujinshi:
Your Soul, My Game

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  1. starrliteangel Aug 26, 2006

    wow did you vector this?! It must have taken forever! I have a feeling this is going to become a popular gallery item in the next couple days. hehe. Its a wonderful wallpaper, and I love the crosses. They are done so well! The only thing Im not so fond of is that crystal looking brush effect you have right next to the moon on the bottom. Its a little random, ne? but the wall is so mysterious and it almost seems like she is in a graveyard!

  2. Boko Aug 26, 2006


  3. thecatmistress Aug 26, 2006

    too cool =]. the colors are dark but somehow bright ^^ very nice +fav

  4. pamkips Aug 26, 2006

    ah the sexy cross with the killer details XD *total sap for awesome crosses*
    the details of the scan, so much hair, damn woman I bet your dead right now just because of the extraction >_< well it's simply awesome

    I simply love the abstractness ^_^

  5. Melisandre Aug 26, 2006

    I love the pic, the background is great, very gothic, really misterious, just fascinating. Congrats for this great work :D

  6. enchantment Aug 26, 2006

    wow, the background is so mysterious and darkish looking XD the crosses look quite interesting as well :) and i love the moons XD the extraction is nicely done, great wall~^^

  7. eternallegend Aug 26, 2006

    amazing, the atmosphere that you created seems so mysterious and so dark like, i really like the crosses and the colour scheme you chose, the title is really interesting and the moons look nice, overall you made a wonderful wall ^^

  8. aqiaqua Aug 26, 2006

    Whoaaa, so awesome. I like the atmosphere. Hehe, the crosses (?) with the wirly patterns at the bottom look so awesome too. Haunting...I like it! XD. Fave from me, and my new desktop ;).

  9. Rhonda21 Aug 27, 2006

    oh I can already tell how much trouble the extraction was because of the hair but you did a great job with it. :) Great background and of course me love dark walls! Awesome work!

  10. animanga Aug 27, 2006

    Wow Rikka-chan it's awesome! The crosses are so cool & the extraction! x_x I wanted to wall this but I'd die extracting it! (ani-chan hates to extract stuff, let alone this XD)
    I love the swirly stuff by the moon, how do you do it? I've been trying to do it on a wall I was working on but I can't do it. -_-'
    Well great job, keep it up! + fave of course! ;)

  11. nolove Aug 27, 2006

    extract that scan o___o totally a pain >_<
    you really did amazing rikka-chan >_<
    your extraction is so welldone though her hair is not so smooth but i believe that i cant do thing like that :p
    *grin* the sky is totally wonderful love-chan suppose you get used to this neh xD
    welldone :)

  12. 09Chiaki09 Aug 27, 2006

    Cool. The extraction was fine! This wallie is really great. Like the bg and also the scan. Hehe...couldn't get off planets after all...
    Good work on the crosses. (Wow...the girls hair...how did ya extract it?)
    lol....another fav i guess.

  13. kyokujitsu Aug 27, 2006

    Wow, that is plain awesome. The scan is beautiful, and the extraction was done really well. The wall of crosses is a little unusual, but it fits well with the ghostly mysteriousness of the wall. And I like how you made a cyclone right where her hair swirls ^^ Thanks for sharing ^_^

    *Adds to Favourites*

  14. quantixar Aug 27, 2006

    Gorgeous! Great background. Me likes dark stuff. :P Anyways you did awesome job!

  15. BlueAngel17 Aug 27, 2006

    finally, a Yukirin wallpaper of that image without the wings! >.< I've wanted to wall it too without that messy wings but I guess you filled in the space the way I wanted it to be. Nice moon! Good job Rikka-san! And I love this extraction rather than Guardian: Dedicated, although it's still not good on some sides, lol.

  16. Milkiyo Aug 27, 2006

    haha...you really like moons don't you? D:
    o.o the hair really seems tough, if it's me, I won't have the patience to do it lol :P
    >:D badabum...rikka has improved except that the moon still look like ostrich eggs <3

  17. wisley Aug 27, 2006

    this is just A...W...E...S...O...M...E... mate,you did a pretty good job on it^^

  18. CyberGame Aug 27, 2006

    Awesome nice background ^^

  19. mikan-sakura Aug 27, 2006

    there is just one word for it..
    Beautiful O.o
    oh my God O.O...
    love this one sooo much
    i can't discribe it >.< it's too beautiful *stares at wallie*

    first of all it's a really good theme
    the char in the wall is smiling :) so it's not a sad wall...
    and the beautiful matching dark colors and all those crosses (they are special but still a bit scary >.< cuz it sorta looks like a graveyard or something) but somehow it's giving me a powerful feeling and a feeling of hope (cuz of that bright light, left corner)

    btw: hmm i'd rather see one sun and one moon than 2 moons O.o xD and the stock image u used (in the middle of the wall) could be a bit more transparent *that's my opinion though*

    so it's Definitely a fav!

  20. youngstag Aug 27, 2006

    very nice.
    btw..is it me, or is her hand backwards? unless thats her pinky and her thumb

  21. WingsofFreedom Aug 27, 2006

    ...did you vector this?!
    It's a bit jagged at the hair...
    but wow!
    I like the crosses their kewl n___n

  22. sandlock Aug 27, 2006

    i like this picture but i don't know about this character.
    especially the sky is in background is so cool

  23. moonlightNeko Aug 27, 2006

    wow its so gorgeous! i love the hair an dthe background, the setting seems to be in a graveyard

  24. KyoFan368 Aug 28, 2006

    That is an amazing wall! You did a fantastic job on it. The girl looks great and the background is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing. :) :D :pacman:

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