
World's End Wallpaper: Like Paradise

Naoto Tenhiro, World's End, Ceres Aquarius, Nero Belutino Wallpaper
Naoto Tenhiro Mangaka World's End Series Ceres Aquarius Character Nero Belutino Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This was another pretty OK wallpaper. I made this RIGHT after Little By Little. It's not as good and I think I should have taken the title of the wallpaper off but oh wellz!

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  1. eternallegend Aug 17, 2006

    i like the textured like background, the blends of colours suit well with the scan you chose, they seem to be sitting or laying down on air, the writing is maybe a bit too big ^_^' [hope i havent offended you] overall you made a nice wall ^^

  2. enchantment Aug 17, 2006

    i love the colours you used :) it looks a little plain but nice and looks good like that :D the text is a little big, my opinion ^_^' besides that nice wall~^^

  3. kokoro8 Aug 17, 2006

    omg...this is a very lovely wallie,juz like paradise!lol
    i like the backgound and color you use.
    if the fond size a bit smaller,the wallie will looks much better(just my opinion)

  4. Starrie Aug 19, 2006

    Ooo I like the background and the color theme very much. To me it kind of looks like a broken memory that someone is remembering because of the effects you used by or on the people. Its very nice and keep up the good work. I shall wait for more art from you to come out. -claps-

  5. veibkreuz Restricted Member Apr 07, 2010

    Nice wallpaper. I like it. Thanks for sharing :)

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