
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Wallpaper: Never fading memories

CLAMP, Bee Train, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Kurogane, Fay D. Flourite Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Bee Train Studio Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Series,OVA Kurogane Character Fay D. Flourite Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Here I am again ^__^

Please full view this wall!

This wall was vectored from a Black&White scan (6th extra story) [click on the pic to see its bigger size]

The black outlines+repairing the parts covered with japanese caracters *or else* literally KILLED me and 2 others big problems araised : I don't know why, but I had a LOT of difficulties choosing the right colors : I stayed days on it, changing, changing and changing again and again until my head burst + the "room" they are in was...empty. Yes, empty. Putting furnitures that wouldn't look too much out of place but without saturating the space they're in totally drained me from all my energy. I started that wall weeks ago and don't ask me just how much time I stayed working on it because I totally lost the notion of time.
A thing that worried me at the start was Kurogane, since in the B&W scan he was cut in half, I was afraid that no matter how much effort I would take to reconstruct him, it wouldn't look 100% natural, but I kinda surprised myself with the final result : my brother didn't realize I've redrawn half of Kuro until I showed him the original scan :)
All the wood part in the wall were made as smooth and neat as possible.
In general, I vectored so many things that my head started spinning!
Another thing is that I wanted to write "Whatever cruelties the final moment may hold, these times that have passed will not fade--", which is a quote from chapter 122, but it took just too much space on this wall ^^;; In exchange, I represented the "fading" with a sunset, just before night falls, [tutorial:good-tutorial ] behind the window; and "these moments" are, of course, the entire scenery with the 4 of them enjoying themselves all together! Ahhhh...I realized, while having a final look at that wall, that I really missed those moments seing how bloody the latest chapters are...

Enjoy and review +fav if you like my work! ^__^

One last thing : this will be my participation to FYE-FANS group wallpaper contest ^__^

clampfans - syaoran-shrine - ss-shrine - tsubasa - fye-fans - colorfull-wallies

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  1. ning Aug 13, 2006

    Dude...I'm scared to even ask how many layers is on that pic!
    I've only just did my first vector and it's not a scratch on that. LOL

    Good Job! ^_^

  2. hikarinotenshi Aug 13, 2006

    wow i love this wallie it's so fun compared to the serious and tragic moments in the latest chapters. man i miss these moments fai and kurogane r hilarious. i like how you put the furniture and toys in sakura's room in this wall. +fav

  3. schwindelmagier Aug 13, 2006

    wow, such a wonderful...no...AMAZING vector...you are so good in vectoring CuteSherry-chan ^_^
    the wallie is so...so...funny and light hearted and Fay looks HOT as always *_*
    I wonderf if such funny times between Kurogane and Fay will happen in the furure too...i really, really hope it...they are always so wonderful...so funny ^_^
    I have already said it....I need to stress it....AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING
    I love the Fay and the plushies in the bg...they are looking so cute *stares at them* can I have one of them?
    add to faaaaaaaaavs

  4. joviality Aug 13, 2006

    I LOVE your wall! Now I know why you need more time for the comp and I'm glad to see that this wall turns out really nicely :D

    I missed those happy times..

    The vector was great!

  5. SakuraShirayuki Aug 13, 2006

    Grat work! Great vector! Everything is great in that walli!

  6. anouet Aug 13, 2006

    Superb, I love !

  7. Niina Aug 13, 2006

    Sooo Niiiceee ~~ Loove It sooo Muuuch !
    I like the way you put sakura's (css) cupboard that has her dolls on it
    ( and the air conditioner, too )
    It feels like home !
    >> + fav! << keep the good work !

  8. alterlier Aug 13, 2006

    that's sure hard work...what a pain...to think that is a vector.....you have to be really patient, the outline is my favorite part XD, they look pretty cool, in a rustic way.....it doesn't seem like you redrawn a part of the B&W scan geez....looks like the original scan itself....damn...you are making me angry cuz...I just dont want to finish the wall I've been doing......and to think is nothing compare to this....

  9. darkwings Aug 13, 2006

    this wall is so funny, i really like it, god job! ^_^

  10. Ookamichan Aug 13, 2006

    hahahahaha xDDD i love it
    Kurorin fighting with Fye ....I love that xDD
    the colors are so cool, and the back ground is nice
    thanks for sharing ^^

  11. GoNik Aug 13, 2006

    Waaa~ hilarious! Just great wall, now I fully understand why you were asking to extend time for contest entries n____n
    Ou, watermelons...
    and since Magier-chan only said she wants one of plushies... maaay I have one with those BIG eyes? Pretty please *innocent and honest grin*

  12. aqiaqua Aug 13, 2006

    *squeals* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I love this image! (Even though the omake was really rando) Yaaaaaaaaaay Fye <33333. Yaaaaay competition! Yaaaaay CuteSherry's amazing wallies! Yaaaaaaay fave from me!

  13. jasaiyajin Mute Member Aug 13, 2006

    nyah... such a nice wallie... ^__^

  14. eternallegend Aug 13, 2006

    wow, amazing, you did a really good job with the vectoring, i like how you composed the background and they fit in well with background as well :D i like the colours that you chose and the room you drew loooks really well done, wonderful wall ^^

  15. enchantment Aug 13, 2006

    lovely wall :) it seems like those two in the wall are having fun :D amazing~^^

  16. jasaiyajin Mute Member Aug 13, 2006

    nyah... such a nice wallie... ^__^

  17. starrliteangel Aug 14, 2006

    holy cow! This is AWESOME vector work. superb. If I could, I would seriously fav this wall 100 times. but since i cant, i iwll just say 100 thumbs up! (well, i dont exactly have 100 thumbs...but...) I really love the dolls and the furniture you added in. I thought it was part of the original scan! and dont worry, kurogane looks perfect! The only part that bothers me a bit is the sunrise outside. I get your idea of making that "fading" feeling, but personally I would have liked a blue sunny day better. It also looks kind of like a sunset rather than a sunrise (*cringes* sorrie! sorrie! I dont mean to be evil!). But ITS A WONDERFUL WALLIE! great, super, fabulous work. *bawls* great, now my wall has no chances of even being looked at in the contest...

  18. KawaiiCardcaptorSakura Aug 14, 2006

    Awesome! This wall is totally cool! :D
    I love this picture! Great job with the coloring! ;)

    *looks at right hand corner* Wow! That's Sakura's stuffed animals from ccs! Nice idea to put it there! ^______^

    Definatly an awesome work of art!

    Fav from me! ;)

  19. rythem Aug 14, 2006

    ah ~ very nice effort and I'd say its worth it . certainly a neat wall with vector goodness <3 though the lines (shadows , I think) on Fai's feet are not necessary , since its coloured and all . of course , my fav part is the lil cute plushies on the right part <3 xDD just a suggestion , it might be better if the lines u used to vector syaoran and sakura is finer , and maybe touch up the edge of sakura's mouth , lol overall u did a nice job extending the scan . keep it up ^^

  20. aishiteraburu Aug 14, 2006

    oh my god
    Its so kawaii
    I've never seen something so cute
    Fye,kurogane, sakura and syaoran look super kawaii
    Totally cool vector as well
    fave from me

  21. Fia2 Aug 14, 2006

    Hahahaha, you included Sakura's plushies from CCS! Good work, yo. >D
    The expression on all their faces are priceless. Thanks for this!

  22. Miriam-Yukari Aug 14, 2006

    I think I'm a little late for this but WOW! You're so good in this I specially like the desing on Kurogane's shirt and Fye's pants. I think this wall really captures the esscence of the manga =P

  23. BlueAngel17 Aug 15, 2006

    ahahaha.. this is so cute,, i love it when kurogane boils up! >.<

  24. kokoro8 Aug 15, 2006

    omg...this wallie is so cute!
    i love it very much!keep it up!

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