Weeeh, so dark and mysterious. A beautiful sky. The animals are just soooooooooooooooo cute <3333. All goes so well together....Fave from me and my new desktop *downloads*
Artist Comment
kon-ni-chi wa minna-san
YEAH, a new wallie XD
I thought it was time to make a mysterious and elemental wallpaper.I hope you like the result.I was inspired by the
seventh One Piece Ending-song "Glory - Kimi ga iru kara" by Takako Uehara (If you do not know this song and
want to hear it, I have it in my music-playerlist on my userpage ;)).
I will tell you the little story about the girl on my wallie.She is a holy elf sitting on the hill every night under the
moon and playing her harp. All the animals (on my wallie there are only few) living in this little forest walk to the
elf and want to listen to her beautiful, cosy and innocently song.She is such a thing like the guardian of the forest
and guarded it from the highest point of it and that is the holy hill.That is also why she is shining.She is a holy
Animals visiting this hill: rabbit, birds, fireflies and butterflies.
time: around 10 hours or something like that, also can be more
inspired by: "Glory - Kimi ga iru kara" by Takako Uehara
layers: 70
scan: found on Zero no Tsukaima Scan 02 by
Suzuki-san , thanks a lot to my friend suzuki-chan ^_^
This is a gift for Thuha-chan who always helps me to improve my skills and Enchant-chan who became a great Fay-fan and has such lovely glasses ^_^(I am weird I know)
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aqiaqua Jul 31, 2006
Angi Retired Moderator Jul 31, 2006
Its so dark there but shes shining!
thats a beautiful way to show Dark-Light expressions
Very cute work! -
Ardenta Jul 31, 2006
I like that grey, cloudy background and the girl is really nice. I like your work. ;)
pamkips Aug 01, 2006
she's floating! >____< you should of made some of the grass overlap her >___< but besides that it's preety, the background sky is so mezmerizing
BlueAngel17 Aug 01, 2006
errr.. hmm.. actually i can't comment cuz it took me aback.. and.. haha.. im in loss of words right now, but i like it, so i'll fav it. :D
Imashitowareto Aug 01, 2006
oh!is u my fren!glad to see ur new wallpaper!i fav on it!
enchantment Aug 01, 2006
wow, its a really nice story you attached to this wall :D and the wall is really lovely itself, the background scenery is really nice, lovely wall^^
starrliteangel Aug 01, 2006
very nice! Its kind of obvious that you used brushes for some of the plants, but most of it is blended in very nicely! the sky is also really good.
sakurals Aug 01, 2006
Simple........ LOVELY!
Ju-chan is back!
How is my lovely pal?
I can see that great, because she is making lovely and wonderful wallpapers like always...I really like it Anna-chan!
Tons ok kisses and hugs for a great friend and waller! ;) -
AnimeHero Aug 01, 2006
wow you really did a great job, you are really good thx for sharing
*favs and downloads -
Danielly Aug 02, 2006
just perfect i love the way youwallie ^_^
this one is wonderful
the details are nicelydonne
i wish i had skills like your to wallie too ^_^'
fav fav fav -
kaylessa Aug 03, 2006
yar, only thing I find wrong with this is that the girl should had some grass in front ; ; other then that it good ^^
Yu-huang Aug 03, 2006
Wow, that awesome.
The background is simply beautiful.
I like how the scenery is dark and yet she light. +fav -
IzumiChan Aug 04, 2006
Ooh, so green~ :D
The sky looks so beautiful... I loved the clouds~ but because of the color, I can't help thinking ''It's gonna rain! You'd better find a roof, Holy Girl!''~ XD
I liked how made the grass thinking on her lightening... but maybe it got darker to black to soon~ >_<
The bunnies and birds are so kawaii~ :D
The scan is very cute~ :D
Great job, I loved it! :nya: -
hyanda Aug 04, 2006
I love the background! Fav
kyokujitsu Aug 04, 2006
Wow, already a really nice Zero no Tsukaima wall ^^ It's absolutely beautiful. The anime scan contrasts with the realistic misty background, but I think it does a good job of avoiding the heavy jarring between the two types. The grass is done really well, it's rare to see it done so beautifully. And of course, the cloudy background is just plain awesome, especially the streaking comets. Thanks for sharing ^_^
*Adds to Favourites*
sophity Aug 04, 2006
Woooooow it's so wonderful *-*
You're so great, i admire you *-*
mystvearn Aug 04, 2006
Very very nice wallpaper. I like the holy thing with the character. Maybe the legs are holy since they glow up?
LonelyFriend Aug 04, 2006
Great background and kawaii nice girl !
4ngelxvi3t Aug 04, 2006
nice .......good job !
Onimusaru Aug 04, 2006
Very impressive wallpaper. Well done and keep up the good work.
KyoFan368 Aug 04, 2006
Ohh! That is a beautiful wall! You did a fantastic job on this wall. It looks really great. The girl is very pretty and the background looks fantastic!^_^ :) :D :pacman:
35243928 Aug 05, 2006
muy wena!:)
bokinhvan Banned Member Aug 05, 2006
oh,what a beautiful wall, i like it ,the girl is fantasic , i like her,^^,backgroiund is too
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