For a first wall, I think this is a really good one. And I also love the character, she's simply adorable.
I have a few remarks, if you don't mind:
I think maybe you should put the character fully in the foreground, because it seems that she's a bit transparet,
or that you've placed some layers above hers that are rather part of the background. This is probably to enchance
the light effect I guess, but its a bit disturbing on her shoulder i.e.
"Dedicated to all my friends, this is for all the support than you give me Thanks a lot :)" part: I think you
should check the spelling. Isn't it supposed to be".. all the support that you give me..."?
Nice cutting of the character btw, only it's somewhat visible on her tail, and her right ear, and at the end of
her hair. Maybe you could work on it a bit more.
Overall it's a really nice work, especially for a first wall. Wish I could make one like this, but I kinda still
suck at photoshop.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Artist Comment
Hi hi Minitokyo Users =) here mi first wallpaper, I hope than like you n_n
Onegai give me comments n_n
P.d. To admis - This wall i mine, i got the psd file to prove it ^^ , I posted it into a forum of my friends ( With mi nick of that forum obiusly ^^ ), but i make it for submit it here really ehh n_n
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Lythis Jul 30, 2006
cagalli-y-a Jul 30, 2006
Hmm... Not bad for a first wall. 100x better than my first wall that's for sure ^_^'
I wont critisize since Lythis has mentioned most of what I would have said. Anyway, since you did so well it's a fave from me~+Fave+
darkar Jul 30, 2006
Nice and impressive for your first wallpaper! Keep it up!
Some little comment: the letters at the bottom might be better if it is more sharp and easiert to read.
sophity Jul 30, 2006
Quote by Lythis For a first wall, I think this is a really good one. And I also love the character, she's simply adorable.
I have a few remarks, if you don't mind:
I think maybe you should put the character fully in the foreground, because it seems that she's a bit transparet, or that you've placed some layers above hers that are rather part of the background. This is probably to enchance the light effect I guess, but its a bit disturbing on her shoulder i.e.
"Dedicated to all my friends, this is for all the support than you give me Thanks a lot :)" part: I think you should check the spelling. Isn't it supposed to be".. all the support that you give me..."?
Nice cutting of the character btw, only it's somewhat visible on her tail, and her right ear, and at the end of her hair. Maybe you could work on it a bit more.
Overall it's a really nice work, especially for a first wall. Wish I could make one like this, but I kinda still suck at photoshop.
Anyway, keep up the good work!Thanks by the comments to everyone =)
Really i need see my errors, thank by the tips Lythis i'll make a better wall the next time ^^
In the dedidactory than i put, etto well my english is no perfect yet xD but i follow learning daily n_n
Thanks again by the tip ^^
enchantment Jul 30, 2006
wow, pretty good wall considering its your first :D i think the girl looks a little out of place in the wall... like shes just pasted there... [thats just my opinion, hope i didnt offend you ^_^' ] but either way, i love the background :) and overall its a really nice wall^^
archerexelion Jul 30, 2006
i love this wallpaper
thanks for all things beutifull in this is page
THANKS (im cry of hapyness) -
mechanical-angel Jul 30, 2006
super cute.
eternallegend Jul 30, 2006
your scan seems out of place as she does not seem to fit in well with the background but it could just be me ^_^' your abstract background looks nice ^^
Imashitowareto Jul 31, 2006
gambatei!i wait for ur new wallpaper soon!
sophity Aug 01, 2006
Thanks to all n_n
I made another today , i'll submit soon n_n
CACHOYLAGRAN7 Aug 02, 2006
Your wallpaper is fantastic I hope you keep posting this kind of works.AWESOME!
Nannina Aug 17, 2006
it's beautifull and really cute wallpapers, i love it. great work.
stivsall Sep 04, 2009
genial k bn scan y el tema tambien es muy bn
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