Neat. There are some obvious errors that would make this wall perfect if they were fixed, such as the blurriness or extraction issues of the hands. I think the drawn Sora looks kind of distorted and pixelated, as well as Riku behind him. There are perspective issues as well, like how the paper bends as if the table isn't a flat top, but the table doesn't seem to be doing the same. It's still a creative project for you to take on, and I'm sure many KH fans will <3 it, though :3
Artist Comment
hey guys..
lol for sum reason as soon i posted this it got deleted =.= so here we go agen lol.
anyway remade my etched away since it got rejected, but i saw favs and comments last time. i hate when u can't read comments cos the wallie gets taken away...(happened to all my wallies here. @.@)
anyway..the idea is Namine drawing and the characters fading away. she's craying on the paper. the pencil and pad are the same as in trailer. lol yes i noe the hands are retarded but i tried XD just pretend they look normal =P. well i hope u enjoy this one. ^^
time taken: 24 hours
layers: around 20
tools: photoshop cs2
thank you ^^
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bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 22, 2006
pandaong86 Jul 26, 2006
This is something really neat :)... Loving it :) hehe.. Never played KH seriously, but I like the way its been done, even if bromithia is right in saying there are some errors :) hehe... I don't mind.. haha :) Nice work :)
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