I really like this wallpaper. Question, Hitsugaya face suppose be that way?
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Ok, so this is the first wallpaper i've ever made. And unfortuantly i'm not one for making long descriptions. xD
Long story short, i love the simple look of a vector that takes an image down to it's BASIC shapes. I dunno, i'm wierd. So i made Hitsugaya. The blue is in homage to his use of the ice element.
Hitsugaya is love. <3
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kayo04 Jul 13, 2006
cassandraronald Jul 14, 2006
*full views*
lovely wallie
but there is something wtong abt his face
anyways i love the bg and the effects that u used
+favs -
bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 14, 2006
I've decided that all faceless vectors, if vectored correctly, are hawt. ;D I love it because it's your first wallpaper, and you show so much skill already!
lylcq525 Jul 17, 2006
i like how this looks also. the clean cut look it has with the vector art of histugaya in a tux is hot. lol but i must admit the lack of face is a bit strange. and i've always liked hitsugaya's eyes. but since it's your first and your testing around good job on this wall paper.
Ryouko Apr 07, 2007
not bad. but why no face? either way, it's a great wallie! good job :)
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