
RG Veda: rg43

CLAMP, RG Veda, Tenmagouka, Ashura, Yasha
CLAMP Mangaka RG Veda Series,OVA Tenmagouka Artbook Ashura Character Yasha Character


Tenmagouka part A - RG Veda artbook by clamp . . . source: bt
*Not my scan, done by dpg*

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  1. annakee Jul 11, 2006

    so lucky! I am envious >_<

  2. LeeAnn Jul 11, 2006

    hahaha! its cute!

  3. tomoyotsukishiro Aug 01, 2006

    nhaaa...very kawaii^^

  4. Taja Mar 20, 2009

    sweet and cute :)

  5. 123minitokyo Aug 27, 2009

    Wow a lot of Ashura XD

  6. lynette6119 Sep 16, 2009

    many ashura hahahaha....

  7. underworldpp Feb 15, 2010

    lol so funny xD adorable too~

  8. chinun Jul 11, 2010

    hahaha~ it's very cute~

  9. Qiu1987 Sep 29, 2010

    Thx for the sharing...Great image!

  10. pussycat12 Nov 24, 2010

    very cool picture. love it
    thanks for sharing

  11. TanyaaLee Jan 13, 2011

    this scan is awesome, thank you!v

  12. Arisa-sama May 08, 2011

    "The many ways of Ashura". . .or. . . "shadow clone".

    I can't help but feel bad for Yasha though

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