
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Ansem is hansem~

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Ansem the Seeker of Darkness, Sora Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Ansem the Seeker of Darkness Character Sora Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Fffffffffffff. I don't like writing descriptions. I spent a really really long time on this vector and everything except the clouds in the background were made with the pen tool and my tablet. So it took a reeeeeeeally long time >_> Made for our team in the Battlegrounds :o I really liked this challenge. I think both sides turned out some really good stuff~ The other team had some problems remembering to follow their own rules, though. Silly wallers. Read your own rules next time D':

Enjoy, kiddies! :'D

(Note: the title comes from my friend Sara shouting "WHOO MAMA ANSEM IS <i>HAN'SOME</i>!" the first time she saw him. I don't think she meant to be that funny but it stuck in my head XD)

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  1. Al21Tweety Jul 03, 2006

    I love this. The quality is completely evident because the vectoring is very clean and precise. The colors are great and the whole thing is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing

  2. bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 03, 2006

    Lovely vectoring work here Misuchi :) Good work.

  3. pamkips Jul 03, 2006

    Such a preety vector, I wuv the fact that you choose blue and yellow as your colors because it made the wall look fantastic, and stand out ^__^

  4. selemental Banned Member Oct 10, 2008

    lol i can't believe you came up with the same joke as me!

    My little bro and I thought he was a dracula reject!
    A dracula reject with super long hair that stands out more than Sephiroth's.

    so I used to call him "Handsome Ansem". And you could buy his products! It works better than Rogaine. LOLZ Actually, "Handsome Ansem" is indeed the name of his product! XD

    Nice show of a wallie! *favs*

  5. jinglingli Jun 09, 2010

    It's very beautiful~! thank you for sharing~!

  6. sskmale Mute Member Jan 12, 2011

    Thanks You for sharing this Brilliant pic!

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