
To Heart 2 Wallpaper: The Fallen

AQUAPLUS, To Heart 2, Lucy Maria Misora Wallpaper
AQUAPLUS Studio To Heart 2 Series,Visual Novel Lucy Maria Misora Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I really dunno why I named this wall "The Fallen". besides laying on the ground, theres nothing that looks evil or like a fallen angel about her. Well, I really dont know what to say about the wall itself. Its kind of..wierd in my opinion. I know, its totally not Canvas-like. I've never seen the anime, but from what I can gather from looking at the images, it looks more like a cutsey-cutsey-happy-bright-anime show. Well, I like making walls that contrast from the anime, so there :hmpf:
I really do have a knack of making walls that dont turn out as I plan them to. I guess I'll just have to find another image to use for my original idea -_-

layers :: 28. wow, it feels like there were alot more.
scan :: from Minitokyo
time :: about 8 hours
my favorite part(s)? :: the alchemy symbols on the ground, the cross in her hand, and the wings.

EDIT - o yes, and i changed all the colors of her clothes so it would look darker and gloomier. her jacket and her hair used to be pink, and her skirt was brown

**UPDATED :: made the ground a little darker

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  1. Marsup Jul 02, 2006

    Nice wall, I think the ground would need some more work though, maybe make it darker to contrast with the character ?

  2. voidmiracle Jul 02, 2006

    i dont think this is from canvas...but instead...i think it is from 'to heart 2' ...the character's name should be Ruka if i didnt rmb wrong...

    nice uses of grey/black/white...brings out a feeling of 'frozen' in a way...very nice work ^^

  3. booniechick Jul 02, 2006

    hmm, very interesting texture to everything, especially her wings. I like the colours as they are now, and I'm sure the pink hair just would not have suited this wallie =P
    I really like this wall, and the only thing I could say that needs improvement is the extraction. The scan looks a little pixelated around the edges don't you think?
    Well other than that, very lovely wall! It's not really dark, but there is something almost mysterious about it.

  4. aqiaqua Jul 03, 2006

    Yup, thats Lucy from To Heart 2. It's a rather interesting concept ya got there ^_^. The ground just doesn't seem to fit though... Anyway, keep up the good work Starr-san :D.

  5. IzumiChan Jul 06, 2006

    Well, yeah, she's from To Heart 2.
    This scan is so popular! >_<
    But I see why, it's so pretty. ^.^
    I liked the change of colors, her hair being white was so great. :)
    I liked the grayscale feel too. Good job. ;)

  6. DSL367 Oct 09, 2006

    Sore wa Ruuko-san; KAWAII YO XD !
    The fallen? Y not adding it one more word; angel?
    Of course, the wings, the cute facial expression; oh,
    y do I still have to give stupid comments XP !? Never-
    theless, +Faves! Thanx 4 sharing!

  7. Melisandre Oct 28, 2006

    So cute wallie! I love the pic you used, it's really nice and the ground is very well done. I don't know your propouses for the round forms on it, but they give luminosity to the wallpaper, nice work ;)

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