Nice wall, I think the ground would need some more work though, maybe make it darker to contrast with the character ?
Artist Comment
I really dunno why I named this wall "The Fallen". besides laying on the ground, theres nothing that looks
evil or like a fallen angel about her. Well, I really dont know what to say about the wall itself. Its kind of..wierd in
my opinion. I know, its totally not Canvas-like. I've never seen the anime, but from what I can gather from looking
at the images, it looks more like a cutsey-cutsey-happy-bright-anime show. Well, I like making walls that contrast from
the anime, so there :hmpf:
I really do have a knack of making walls that dont turn out as I plan them to. I guess I'll just have to find
another image to use for my original idea -_-
layers :: 28. wow, it feels like there were alot more.
scan :: from Minitokyo
time :: about 8 hours
my favorite part(s)? :: the alchemy symbols on the ground, the cross in her hand, and the wings.
EDIT - o yes, and i changed all the colors of her clothes so it would look darker and gloomier. her jacket and her hair used to be pink, and her skirt was brown
**UPDATED :: made the ground a little darker
MT groups!
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Marsup Jul 02, 2006
voidmiracle Jul 02, 2006
i dont think this is from canvas...but instead...i think it is from 'to heart 2' ...the character's name should be Ruka if i didnt rmb wrong...
nice uses of grey/black/white...brings out a feeling of 'frozen' in a way...very nice work ^^
booniechick Jul 02, 2006
hmm, very interesting texture to everything, especially her wings. I like the colours as they are now, and I'm sure the pink hair just would not have suited this wallie =P
I really like this wall, and the only thing I could say that needs improvement is the extraction. The scan looks a little pixelated around the edges don't you think?
Well other than that, very lovely wall! It's not really dark, but there is something almost mysterious about it. -
aqiaqua Jul 03, 2006
Yup, thats Lucy from To Heart 2. It's a rather interesting concept ya got there ^_^. The ground just doesn't seem to fit though... Anyway, keep up the good work Starr-san :D.
IzumiChan Jul 06, 2006
Well, yeah, she's from To Heart 2.
This scan is so popular! >_<
But I see why, it's so pretty. ^.^
I liked the change of colors, her hair being white was so great. :)
I liked the grayscale feel too. Good job. ;) -
DSL367 Oct 09, 2006
Sore wa Ruuko-san; KAWAII YO XD !
The fallen? Y not adding it one more word; angel?
Of course, the wings, the cute facial expression; oh,
y do I still have to give stupid comments XP !? Never-
theless, +Faves! Thanx 4 sharing! -
Melisandre Oct 28, 2006
So cute wallie! I love the pic you used, it's really nice and the ground is very well done. I don't know your propouses for the round forms on it, but they give luminosity to the wallpaper, nice work ;)
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