I really love this one. The black, white and shades of grey just cry out "sob-story" and it really looks just like that. Great job ;)
Artist Comment
My entry for the first battle in WAR [AP WAR], theme: Kingdom Hearts, just 2 colors, in this case, black and gray.
I try a lot of ideas until this one, some scans from KH2, different styles and colors, but after a while the idea of a broken sanctuary with stain glass broken and a whole destruction scene. Roses from a Rozen Maiden scan and the dragonflies taken from a stock pic, textures as usual from DA!. Maybe the only thing that i dont like is the text, but i cant work with it and try different styles cause i have to run before the deadline.
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Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 30, 2006
Yina Jun 30, 2006
RikuRox Jul 06, 2006
Oooo, spooky... I love it. It's very sad-looking and it looks like there's this awesome story behind it... welll, there is: kingdom hearts. but it looks like there's another story behind it, u know? yea, i may not be making any sense... or i may be making perfect sense... but that's just me... n e way, great wallpaper, it rules :D
Devilet Jul 08, 2006
--tilts head-- Full view I notice something weird about the atmosphere, seems kind of lonely and sad ...
It's kind of blurry, but I guess that was intentional, there's a soft texture to it, not overdone. I like this from you, keep it up Rebel XD -
DeeDee Jul 31, 2006
WOW! I love the spooky air to it :D great job
merged: 08-01-2006 ~ 01:28am
WOW! I love the spooky air to it :D great job -
melymay Aug 04, 2006
Quote by DeeDeeWOW! I love the spooky air to it :D great job
merged: 08-01-2006 ~ 01:28am
WOW! I love the spooky air to it :D great jobYa, I agree. It's a cool feeling XD I really like the scene too :) Keep it up! +fave
LuvsHikari39 Nov 16, 2008
awesomenesssss! x3
samacdc Feb 23, 2011
so it is good work i like it
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