
Prince of Tennis Wallpaper: My Friend [W]

J.C. Staff, Prince of Tennis, Eiji Kikumaru, Shusuke Fuji Wallpaper
J.C. Staff Studio Prince of Tennis Series Eiji Kikumaru Character Shusuke Fuji Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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This is a remake of my ugly "A Day in the Sun" wallpaper

Whoa! I'm giong back to my roots XD
I was looking through PoT's gallery and I spied my wallpaper. Well, it was kinda not good, so I decided to totally remake it, which as you can see, I have.

Anyway, Eiji and Fuji and vectored from this image (If anyone knows the original author, please tell me). I was surprised that I actually still had the scan o_0

Time: about 3-4 hours
Layers: 28
Textures from DA!

Comments welcome =)

Edit: Removed the house~
Hai hai, Fuji doesn't have Seigaku's logo because I didn't feel like vectoring it! Ohohohoho~

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  1. midsummer Jun 14, 2006


    but they both look weird.... hahhs...
    did you add it in the gallery?
    as in the pot-ultimatefanclub's gallery
    wait i just realised that!
    fuji's jacket doesn't have the seigaku logo!
    ok... i think in the pic fuji has too much hair....
    i cant really say about eiji
    cause i am not sure how to describe it....

  2. Ayasal Jun 14, 2006

    O.O kyaaaaa! super hot guys alert kyaaaa! >o< *drools*
    owwoo I really like the sky and very nice vector of the HOT guys *dies*
    Eiji and Fuji looks so cute together! keep up the good work and good job :D

  3. Limefreak Jun 14, 2006

    WOW O.O that's super good :D
    awesome job on everything!
    I am so proud of you! I will have to start commenting some more on your work ^_^

  4. Alfonse Jun 14, 2006

    This vector wallie looks pretty cool. I like the whole effect you gave of sunlight shining down on the two. But I dunno why exactly, but the bg seems a lil odd, I can't put my finger on it but it looks a lil rough if that makes sense at all. But other than that, the characters were vectored great as usual. ;)
    Anyway, I'm actually surprised you went back to PoT seeing as you drifted so far into stuff like One Piece and Black Cat and some other stuff.
    Well, great job again Chloe, keep it up. ;)

  5. ROSEANA Jun 14, 2006

    it's very nice color on bg......beatiful
    thank you^o^

  6. Yina Jun 14, 2006

    amazing vectoring.. *__* mhmm may i shoot the birds? i hate birds in the sky.. >>

    I'm talking nonsense again.. >> anyway, naisu composition and excecution =D
    there are too many clouds though.. o.o

  7. MapleRose Retired Moderator Jun 14, 2006

    ooh, another nice vector and wallpaper.

    do you vector your background as well (like the clouds)?

  8. bromithia Retired Moderator Jun 14, 2006

    If it wasn't for the little... box thing in the corner (buildings?) this would be a very good wallpaper. The vector is fabulous, though...

  9. chichiri1907 Jun 14, 2006

    omg I loved this scan from the moment I saw it in the gallery and now its vectored wooohoo! Soon ur going to be a vector queen MUHAHAHAHHAHA

  10. annakee Jun 15, 2006

    a nice scan you have chosen to make this wallpaper. nice vector ^_^

  11. pegassuss Jun 15, 2006

    Lovely vecotr work Chloe-chan! ;) And the wall looks really nice! I love the sky and that texture, clouds look lovely, and the birds are beautiful. The color scheme is really nice and very fitting. Great job! ^^ Keep it up!

  12. himeno22 Jun 15, 2006

    wow it's so prettiful!
    amazing job on this one, it all looks so awesome!

  13. eclair-chan Jun 15, 2006

    hehehehehe yay! something new from chloe-chan!, this version is better than the old one, they are sho smex XD amazing clouds and vectoring as always great job.

  14. Fran Retired Moderator Jun 16, 2006

    *fangirl sream*
    EijixFuji huh?
    I just love this pairing!
    The clouds are sooo beautiful ^^
    Another great wallie Chloe-san!
    + fav

  15. Milkiyo Jun 23, 2006

    ugh...somehow something about this seems unlovable to me >.<
    it's a good wall don't get me wrong...but something about the sky...
    vector's great though

  16. flyindance Jun 24, 2006

    very nice, I like the way how u do the sunlight ting. :)

  17. kagomei Jun 24, 2006

    wo ,what a sunny picture !I love the two boys*^_^*
    good job

  18. enchantressinthedark Jun 25, 2006

    Just one look at this wall and I'm in love with it!~~~~ XD Super clean and impressive vector! (seems like you really can't live without vectors XD ) And the clouds are stunning! *__* Love it to bits! Keep it up!

  19. Ephemeral-Garden Jul 01, 2006

    I thought you resubmit your "A Day In The Sun" wall. ^^ So I see you remake it, awesome. At least this version looks better than that one.

    A change of vectoring style? I see you didn't use black layer as your base layer. But I really love the way you executed it.. it gives the scan a clean look, and the whole wall looks very spacious. Though I don't really think birds are neccessary.

    But overall, a very clean composition.

  20. harlequinpuppet Jul 03, 2006

    Hot! Fuji and Eiji are definitely my favorite characters! Thanks for sharing

  21. Shinobigoe Jul 14, 2006

    You are to be commended for you usage of shapes when shading and dimention comes into play. The position of your characters on the wall is a okay! i like how you used a focus point and a different angle. However to improve upon a few things in this wall... The lighting is also very intense and although I appreciate the dramatic shading and the tallent in the wall, I think the technique throws off the other colors. I like the backround you chose with the softer cool colors and the wite birds add an element of grace to the composition... however, I dont know if it works entirely with the vibrant colors of the fordround...yes it contrast but I think you might have better luck if you took out the high contrast of the fordround...it makes their skin look a little too orange even when used to complement the blueness of your bg. But enough critisism! Your work is always improving and keep amazing me! I await your next masterpiece!

  22. stellar Jul 16, 2006

    2 hot guys in one wallpaper? O_o wat can ask for more? lol fuji! >.< i LUV this wallpaper! great job iwth the vector!

  23. xceliex2000 Aug 13, 2006

    i love this wp, not only is it really pretty, but it's a Pot wp! >///< i just wish that you had a black outline on eiji and fuji (i don't really like the current style of vectoring you used). that would just make me HAVE to favorite it. : P i've noticed that so many of your wps would be on my fav list if you had a black lines in your vectors. ^.^;; your wps are just so pretty/ perfect ignoring that one little fact.

  24. SantaRick Oct 08, 2006

    this is beautiful ^_^ Fav,

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