
Memories Off Wallpaper: Passing Rain

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Inori Misasagi Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Inori Misasagi Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

For such a long time i haven't cried... Cuz you don't cry anymore...
At least after all your tears and anger, things left are all smiles and happiness... Wish all i can see... forever... is your happy smile... with no longer grief. And i told myself not to cry, as things came to hurt me do not remain any... Then i smile, too...
But while i'm smiling, why does these tears keep streaking my face...?
Is it because ... i'm in love with an "unreal" one?

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  1. natsuki-hime Jun 07, 2006

    wow, great looking wall yu made
    i relli like it alot, well thnkyu veri much for sharing

  2. Lunariha Jun 07, 2006

    Nice wallie..
    girl looks so sad..

  3. Rhonda21 Jun 07, 2006

    oh sad. Yet so very beautiful! Very nice matching background. Well great work!

  4. florensa Jun 07, 2006

    v. nice, sure give u the sad feeling along w/ the rainful (the thunder may not be necessary thou). Looking carefully at the composition, is the background a real photo snap? +fav, keep up the gd work. :)

  5. Milkiyo Jun 07, 2006

    errr...her eyes seem like the one from omen >.<
    lamp post and lightning don't really look that...realistic
    nice theme and shadowing n.n

  6. Sabbathiel Jun 07, 2006

    Wonderfull wallie, It is so melancholic and lovely... I like it, fav from me!

  7. enchantressinthedark Jun 11, 2006

    Wow, such a sad wall... She's crying in the rain, kinda pitiful
    But nice concept you have here ^_^ The whole wall ish really beautiful, but I think that the lightning will look better if the sky is a lil darker, since it always rain when the sky is dark ^_^ Beautiful wall, onestepclosertonumb-chan ^_^' Eto...any short name on how to call you? XD


  8. animefairy Jun 15, 2006

    This is so pretty! ^_^

  9. IzumiChan Jun 20, 2006

    Altough I agree that it looks more lightened than a real rainy day is, I can't deny how much the clearness highlighted the scan's style. >.<
    And also, this thunder looks just so cool! XD
    The written text in japanese means.... ''I don't know what'' memories... ne? >_<
    Great job, I loved it! ^_~

  10. midsummer Jun 30, 2006

    wow... it is nice...
    i love it! >.<

  11. ericcarson Aug 07, 2006

    Why oh WHY are your skills not touded among such low mortals as us? While browsing, the mere thumbnail was enough to blow me away. The detail is amazing! How have you managed to find that "sweet spot" where there are alot of objects in the wallpaper but not too crowded? Your skills are amazing! My feeble human mind is just unable to comprehend the sheer complexity of such a gorgous wallpaper! Please keep up the good work, as i cannot wait to see your next peice.

  12. chisaikame Aug 18, 2006

    this is soo beautiful..- the mood of the atmosphere perfectly fits the character's too.. the sorrowful expression is simply priceless.. thanks for the share! :D faves it*

  13. shyjoy Jan 01, 2010

    awww...how nice..i like it^^

  14. xXxPlixXx Oct 29, 2010

    And I was hoping I could see someone using the first CG you get from the game.

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