
Touka Gettan Wallpaper: please don't go

Carnelian, Touka Gettan, Momoka Kawakabe Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Touka Gettan Series,Visual Novel Momoka Kawakabe Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello everyone. :)

Here is my newest wallie.
I hope you like it and also I hope it please you lovecards. :D

Please enlarge the wallie that you can see the details. :)

O.k. now to the wallie.

I love angels. Thus I thought that I still create another wallie with an angel.
And then I found this ssÃ?Æ?�Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½Ã(...) scan. It looks so beautiful. And you views please me very well. As gesgt, I love it, if the figures look somewhat painfully and sadly.
First the girl was not an angel. Thus you made her wings.

I came on the idea of creating a parting, cause the girl looks so painfully.
She came to the earth her to find large love. But it should hold not for a long time, cause she must turn back into heaven. Or so on. XD

In order to represent this better, I set a hand down right into the picture.

I create the complete BG. Only the hand and that cute girl is a scan.

Also I hope it pleace you. I like it.

I am a member of COLOFULL WALLIES! .

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  1. Sabbathiel Jun 05, 2006

    I will be first! ^-^
    hmm.. I downloaded this work and what can I say? It's brilliant as always Stefii! I like bg-effects, scan is beautifull.. geeez... sweet wallpaper, I like it even when I prefere not-so-bright wallies ^-^

  2. dianas Jun 05, 2006

    this is very very lovely..congrats dear u have creatd a almost perfect wallpaper from my point of view ;)
    the colors are great and the coposition also
    + fav from me ;)

  3. Rhonda21 Jun 05, 2006

    Oh this is such a beautiful wall! The background is so very lovely! Well then great job!

  4. midnightLOVERS Jun 05, 2006

    its a reallt lovely wallie. the wings are quite gorgeous. i really cant believe that you draw them in yourself. they are very captavting and realistic. they blend right into the cute girl and it seems that she always had them. i would have never know that they weren't apart of the orginal if you did tell me. beautiful.

    the wallie as a whole if spell-binding. i love how it turned out. love the effects as well excpecially the drifting feather. it has so much detail and is so life-like. congrats on a great work well done.


  5. Devildude Jun 05, 2006

    wish you cleaned up the image throughly, it is rough in texture and scan dust as compared to the clear background.
    And that two bands of stuff on her leg, needed to get it off as it is the only dark inconsistent part of the whole wallpaper.
    The rest is ok, text is kinda generic, need more varied text in terms of curled ones, the one you are using is really overused. Nonetheless, it is a good wallpaper.

  6. chibichibikaukau Jun 05, 2006

    it looks beautiful! i like it!

  7. inREVERIEforever Jun 05, 2006

    It's such a beautiful and enchanted wallie. I really love it. Keep up the fabulous work!

  8. pitbull Jun 05, 2006

    that a beautiful pic.nice work!(^_^)

  9. moonelf313 Jun 05, 2006

    Beautiful. The hand reaching up toward her really makes the title fit. Wonderful job on the wings as well, I never would have known they weren't there. Great job +Favs for me...I LOVE ANGELS!

  10. KyoFan368 Jun 05, 2006

    Ohh what a beautiful wall!^_^ It's so pretty*favs* You did a fantastic job on it!^_^ :) :D :pacman:

  11. Tasana Jun 06, 2006

    AWWW ITS SOO BEAUTIFUL! XD i love angels so i love this wallie! its so pretty/cute/beautiful lol i could go on about why i like it but you get the point lol *FAVS AND DL'S WITH JOY!* lol

  12. quantixar Jun 06, 2006

    Beautiful! Great job once again!

  13. onibozu Jun 06, 2006

    great wall, love it, add 2 favs

  14. enchantment Jun 06, 2006

    wow, lovely, i love the background and the wings on the girl, nicely done^^

  15. kyokujitsu Jun 06, 2006

    Wow, that's beautiful ^_^ Really bright, but not overdone, it's really nice. I love the angel wings, and the sparkly white things are really pretty. The concept is nice as well, with the hand reaching out. Thanks for sharing ^_^

    *Adds to Favourites*

  16. aqiaqua Jun 06, 2006

    Aw, so beautiful and sweet! Fave from me and I'm gonna add you to my watchlist!

  17. Rikkablurhound Jun 06, 2006

    I think its really pretty^^
    though the scan is really big, I like how your theme goes & the hand is perfect XD
    Good job on the skies, they are really lovely^^
    Good job on it XD
    Gambateh XD

  18. florensa Jun 06, 2006

    fabulously done, the smooth, soft touch texture along with the sparkling, dazzling white stars sure did create a nicely composition. i understand the hand is necessary to give a better scenario, but at certain way, it may looks a little odd overall. keep up the gd work.

  19. lovecards Jun 06, 2006

    Ohh!So sweet you are ^^.Is realy great! The background is good and the wings uff! there are amazing!When i died i hope your angel capture me^^.The image of the angel is realy sad ...remenber a film i saw in the cinema (the city of angels -with Nicolas cage)^^.What can i say more...Ah! the hand make a good effect to, it help to merge the profound and sadness of the angel to farewell.Take care and thanks you are adorable...^_~.

  20. Zoamel Jun 06, 2006

    I don't want her to go, too :)
    The wall is so beautiful and I've never seen this scan before. Also a great work with the name. It's simply fitting. Only thing I would change is the green grey shadow on her leg. It's soiling her purity a bit ;)

  21. Marcy Jun 07, 2006

    Nice nice nice
    Her clothes and her wings look just beautiful!

  22. lthnadml Jun 07, 2006

    nice wall . . . beautiful angel and lovely effects . . . i like the wings and her clothes are so awesome! Excellent work.
    Thank you for your sharing. XD XD XD

  23. deglia Jun 07, 2006

    waoo great its very beautiful ^^i like the background
    nice job!

  24. AkaiTsubaki Jun 07, 2006

    nice wall, i love the pose and the emotions we can feel from it ^^
    colors and background are great too, very sweet
    thanks for this wall!

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