
Magic Knight Rayearth Wallpaper: Aska Hime

CLAMP, Magic Knight Rayearth, Aska Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Magic Knight Rayearth Series,OVA Aska Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well... It was a long time without wallpapers...
I have triyed a similar effect in my blog's layout and the result was very great, so I wanted to try it in a wallpaper too.
I hope you like this wall, It's a little bit simple...
I really love Aska Hime, and maybe in the future I wanna make a cosplay of her.
And, some people will note: It's Clamp again XD~

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  1. joemighty16 Jun 04, 2006

    Nice one! The way you got the bg patterns (I particularly like the purpule - the red, white and purple just goes so well together) to fit wih the Aska's clothes movements is very well done! The scan itself is great looking! Can I assume its from the manga?

    Personally I'd say a bit crowded for a desktop wall, but a great piece of art none the less!

  2. mc6991 Banned Member Jun 05, 2006

    Oh! THis is really a wonderful wall! The background is great! Yup, the scan is really great, it's really a fantastic job => love it! (^O^)

  3. Sabbathiel Jun 05, 2006

    very nice and funny wallie! I love this intensiv colors, effects and all elements of this background, I add this wallie to my fav because it is full of energie and optimismus

  4. Zoamel Jun 05, 2006

    It's looking great :D
    I love the colours you used for the background a lot. Also a great work with the blending and extraction. The light "frame" is fitting well.

  5. IzumiChan Jun 10, 2006

    Yay for CLAMP! ^O^
    I like Aska-chan too, maybe she's a bit too bossy.... but still cute! :D
    I had always loved this scan, but I never figured out this way to wall it.... you're very creative, I loved it! :)
    Purple and red can match! *_*
    And her fan with the shape of a hearth is so cute! ;)
    Great job, and keep walling more! (the world needs more of those great wallies! >_< )

  6. nuevotraumado Nov 22, 2010


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