
Dragon Ball Wallpaper: -=-Power BeYond Control-=-

Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation, Dragon Ball, Super Saiyan Goku Wallpaper
Akira Toriyama Mangaka Toei Animation Studio Dragon Ball Series Super Saiyan Goku Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hahaaa~ , im bak with goku this time

sry , but i wont be writing alot this time :p , my eyes are burning :p

i know its not good , but i tried very hard on it (<-----reason y my eyes are burning :P)

anywayz , enjoy ^^

*after a hot bath* waaaaaaah! i feel so refreshed

now lemme talk abt the wallie ^^


hehe , found the goku scan somewhere around the net , so decided wroking on it right away , in not a goku fan , but...this scan was worth a wallie

hm...layers...well....i didnt count 'em , but theyre somewat alot

now that i talked abt the wallie , lemme go get dressed XP

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  1. joycev Jun 03, 2006

    woah, that looks cool and I dont even like DBZ. o.O'' I love the dark look it has and the stars look great! I like how you added the wings too.
    nice job! ^_^

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 03, 2006

    Nicely done!
    The bg is cool, though I find that the scan is a bit too dark.

  3. Rhonda21 Jun 03, 2006

    I love the sky! So cool the whole background. Hmm, well nice job!

  4. Ametsuya Restricted Member Jun 04, 2006

    BG is nice....!

  5. eclair-chan Jun 04, 2006

    puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrpleeeeeeeeeeee *_*, I love purple! XD, I LOVEEEEEE da sky so awsome,....da sky O_O....wow I wish that the sky above my house was purple XD love it!

  6. Farewell Jun 04, 2006

    awesome.. wow.. .........

  7. Dufoe88 Jun 04, 2006

    2ayemooo :P
    7ilwe keep it up man.

  8. Ardenta Jun 04, 2006

    I haven't seen any Dragon Ball wallpaper like this before now. I was used to brighter colours but it's a dark one and because of it, it looks new and interesting. Good job. :)

  9. Alfonse Jun 04, 2006

    Wow man, the dark look you gave to Goku is pretty cool.
    The whole wall feels dark and "powerful". xD
    I think you did a pretty good job giving Goku those wings and you did an exceptionally great job with the bg.
    Keep up the great work bro. .::gives 2 thumbs up::.

  10. inuyashalove04 Jun 05, 2006

    I love this wallpaper. I totally agree with Alfonse. Everything that I had in mind to say, has already been said. The only thing I see is the text seems to bright. I wouldn't have used white, something that blended a little better on the dark bg.
    Good job, though.

  11. toonmaker Jun 05, 2006

    Wow . . . This must be Goku Super Saiyan 3 Enpowered ! XD ! Excellent also the night effects are awasome ! ! ! Excellent + fav

  12. Sayonara Jun 06, 2006

    wow is so dark, and the background is so cool.. awesome wall of DBZ. >.<!

  13. enchantressinthedark Jun 06, 2006

    Wow, dark and mysterious, and the background is really awesome! All the purplish glow XD Neat stuff~ Keep it up!

  14. Midori-chan Jun 08, 2006

    whoa! DBZ eh? i like Trunks^^
    goku is not bad too. the scan you got there is awesome!
    i've never seen it before *_*
    the bg is great! i like the purple-shaded sky a lot!
    excellent work! ;)

  15. Kuro-kun15 Jun 08, 2006

    Omg. >> It's be 5days since you made this but I just saw it now. Omg.. I am not a fan of Goku or DBZ but... The wings and the... background.. Omg... I love it. Is there anyway that you could make just the background? Please? *Puppy eyes.*

  16. DragonboyVNY Jun 11, 2006

    cool. Goku now reallly reminds me of a lion now... Weird, even though he is a monkey! kame madness... turtle!

    Very dark, its cool, not like most DB wallies which tend to be light or blood red.

  17. ROSEANA Jun 12, 2006

    it's very nice wall and beatiful color.. ilike this color..
    thank you^o^

  18. UchihaTaijiya Jun 19, 2006

    The background is really lovely!
    ^_^ Keep it up!

  19. Liz Jun 22, 2006

    I like the darkness of it but the scan might be just a little to dark. I love the background and the colors you used it goes together perfectly! Keep it up excellent work!

  20. huidogro Sep 06, 2006

    siempre me a agradado la actitud de vegeta..

  21. supersillious Oct 28, 2008

    only if a demon goku was real eh
    i'd be so kool
    which makes this paper look so kool

  22. GogetaSSJ Jan 13, 2009

    WOW, awesome wallpaper,dark Goku is so cool

  23. MadameGrunty Apr 17, 2009

    The wallpaper looks pretty cool.

  24. Bacus Nov 16, 2009


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