
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth Of Destiny Wallpaper: Farewell but not Goodbye

Kohime Ohse, Gust, Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth Of Destiny, Iris (Atelier Iris 2) Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hiya, everyone. how are you? Sorry, my computer broke down.... Btw, please view in full size.

I am currently playing Atelier Iris 2:The Azoth of Destiny. This is the younger version of Iris. Yup, the Iris we know from Atelier Iris:Eternal Mana.


It took about... *mumbling* 3 hours to finish it. Layers... 20+ maybe. But I still think it look simple... Well, it didn't turn out what I had in mine but...

The sky... is actually a combination of a few layers of course. Lets see we have light base of a stock image and then self-made clouds. The more I look at the clouds, the more it look like cotton candy ^^;;

My first time doing drawn wings. it is drawn in photoshop. theglow at the edges covers up the not so nice base ^^;;

Um... got a hard time deciding what font to use for the heading though...


Do you think I should put grass at the bottom to look as if she would take off?


Picture: RPGamer
Brushes: Various
Clouds & Planet: Learnt in tutorials last time
Program: Photoshop

No other submissions


  1. ROSEANA May 24, 2006


  2. bj0rn May 24, 2006

    Hmm.. frankly i feel that the wings are quite plain and it lacks depth. But i should agree that a base should be added to make it looks like she's taking off.

  3. Kyo26 May 24, 2006

    hmm....well, i guess if u do put grass...might look like she's gonna take off. nice wall btw, real beautiful XD

  4. Rikkablurhound May 25, 2006

    Pretty nice XD
    I like the wings, very nicely done XD
    Aside that, the toning is nice too... But I find the lines disturbing... >_<
    & also, the font... place it smwhere else... >_<
    The rest is just beautiful XD

  5. phamthuha May 25, 2006

    Not bad, Leena-chan ^_^ I really like the wing you made ;) Also the cloud is a very nice element part ^_^

    But well, the girl got such a poor outer glow and the bg is too blank >___< You should add in more stuff then...

    okay, keep up your great work ^_^ Sure I will wait for your next one ^^

  6. enchantressinthedark May 27, 2006

    Its kinda simple, but its realy nice ^_^

    I love your wings! They are done really nicely and the sky is totally amazing ^_^ Keep it up!

  7. akari-chan Jun 01, 2006

    First of all, it is a very cute wall. The wings are okay, but they sorta 'different' from other kinds of wings i see.,considering this is your first time then i guess everything is not always perfect. The clouds look a little funny. I think if they were smoother, it would look nicer in this wall. I don't think you should put grass. It looks fine as it is now. Anyway, i hope that was not too harsh of a comment. -_-; Good job though!

  8. Evanrued Jun 25, 2006

    Sorry for the late response. I think that since you were going for a simple look, the wings suit the wall. I think that the clouds could be a bit more unconstrained by shape rather then form. But still looks good. The moon in the corner is a nice add. Overall, a very simple and wonderful wall. Looks real clean ^^

  9. kevin777 Jun 30, 2006

    Great! I always wanted to see Iris Look like that! It's Perfect!

  10. Rozencrantz Dec 27, 2009

    so cuuuttee! this is Iris right?

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