
Xenosaga Wallpaper: KOS-MOS

Xenosaga, KOS-MOS Wallpaper
Xenosaga Series,Game KOS-MOS Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Please Full-view there are little details to see!

Its been awhile since I've made a wallpaper, hasnt it?
I made this wallpaper in preperation for the new Xenosaga 3, a sort of contribute to KOS-MOS i guess you could say.
I hope it all looks alright, as you can see it is VERY purple XD
Layers: 18
Time: 3 and a half hours
cant think of too much else to say, but I did work very hard on this so I hope everyone can enjoy it ^_^

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  1. kashikosa May 24, 2006

    Wow... looks great! It makes me remeber smthng... Great job on the bg. The girl fits perfectly! Quite an interesting idea. Keep it up!

  2. Limefreak May 24, 2006

    Overall nice job! :D
    I like the scan and everything matches. The only thing I would recommend is extracting those annoying dots near the midd of her legs > [ ] < otherwise, it's an awesome piece of work :D

  3. cheza2283 May 24, 2006

    I love it! Thanks for the great wallpaper! I love kosmos so keep making ones of her and you will keep me happy!

  4. xianghua May 24, 2006

    Wooooow! I LOVE it!
    The bg is awesoome!
    The scan of KosMos is very beautiful!
    Nice work my friend!Youve meade me very happy!
    Instant fav!

  5. raptorfb May 24, 2006

    Great work, it has been a while since your last work.
    However, the resolution makes me cry....

  6. flamealchimist May 25, 2006

    it is so cool i like kos-mos she looks really cool.
    i love the background.the bubble and tars and the swirly lines.
    awsome wallaper. +fav.

  7. UltraMarine May 26, 2006

    Its a beautiful looking background! Love the stringy lines surrounding Kosmos. Great job!

  8. xizer May 27, 2006

    This is my girlfriend KOS-MOS I LOVE great job man ^_- she really cool and SEXY OOH MY KOS-MOS I LOVE YOU

  9. noel5169 May 31, 2006

    Nice job on this wallpaper !
    The colors perfectly match with kosmos !

  10. Spoo Jun 13, 2006

    Wow! I like all the details, the stars and the glimmering accents ^_^

  11. aznprianime Jun 21, 2006

    i am comlpletely speechless. this way beyond beautiful and cool at the same time. amazing, dark yet mysterious. wonderful and excelent job.

  12. Dukester Aug 07, 2006

    Awesome to the max. Instant wallpaper. The black background and the dancing of light is a great contrast.

  13. happyasian1000000 Aug 16, 2006

    so many pretty lines and highlighted objects this is very good for a wall

    thank you for making this and ill add it to my favs

  14. shiwei Dec 12, 2006

    very nice wallpaper...
    the background is great, the effect is awesome, colors u use is good.. ^^
    keep it up, +fav

  15. MizuhofanFFX2se Apr 05, 2007

    Hi! Sarukah, that is your nick in Xenosaga3 Forums right!?
    this wall so busy for me, but it well done, nice work.

  16. LegendarySilverX Apr 12, 2007

    Beautiful! You have captured my heart! (hmm, was it directed to you or Kos-Mos? ^^')
    I luv it! Kos-Mos rules! XD XD XD

    + fav

  17. kittyb Apr 24, 2007

    excelent job thank you

  18. darkarchon18 Aug 25, 2007

    Very beautiful! I really like the background and the effects. XD

  19. Angel-XL Nov 20, 2008

    Cool wallpaper! Thanks for sharing! :)

  20. Zephyr21 Feb 09, 2010

    great scan thanks for sharing

  21. fritzbejar Mar 17, 2010

    Wow, Nice ! you really did a great job. THANKS!

    merged: 03-17-2010 ~ 07:05am
    COOl COOL, the wallpaper is great, thanks dud

    merged: 03-17-2010 ~ 07:08am
    Great job! COOL COOL, thanks!

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