
Bleach Wallpaper: Aizen's Playground~~~

Kubo Tite, Studio Pierrot, Bleach, Rukia Kuchiki Wallpaper
Kubo Tite Mangaka Studio Pierrot Studio Bleach Series Rukia Kuchiki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Lets see....
another wall for Free--wallers's ART contest!
Lets see... this time, I choose the theme:
1. Mysterious
2. Elemental: Darkness
3. Abstract: real hard with the brushes
& If U think theres fantasy inside.... >_<

Erm... lets see... I started off with a rukia scan, I din know what to put on at first & I thought scenic doesnt really match. And, well, I kinda hate Aizen XP eventhough, hes cute... XP
So, I got a stock image of a playground & a no TRESSPASS
lots of blending and clearing & sticking to get it all up...
It looks a lil messy....
erm... lots of grunge texture I laid on...
& I lay some real unobvious trees on the playground to give it a haunted feel, EVIL!

The story is RUkias telling bout Aizens playground.
I made the ribbon clean to make it look as if its just been hung up, by Rukia of course, to draw the ending of Aizen in Soul society. Hows that sound? XD
Im not really that happy with it though... >_<
something bothers me... ==
Please full view it, thumbnail isnt that nice... >_<

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  1. uchiha-vegeta May 08, 2006

    i told u once , im gonna tell u again , SUGEE~~

  2. Rhonda21 May 08, 2006

    Looks pretty cool. Nice idea for the background. Well done.

  3. chaosmongoose Banned Member May 08, 2006

    yay, one of the first to comment. ok, by the name I was kinda expecting to see Aizen. Honestly I would have prefered to see him, but still the background and blend are well done as is the overall wallpaper. need i say it? good job.

  4. xianghua May 08, 2006

    Very nice! You made the background very well! It looks so real! :D
    The scan is beautiful! <3
    great work! keep it up!

  5. ulises31 May 09, 2006

    que bien

  6. 09Chiaki09 May 09, 2006

    Okie...it's a great idea u've got there. I like the dark & mysterious style, kinda suits Rukia.^^

  7. chibichibikaukau May 09, 2006

    i like it, the background is very beautiful!

  8. Machika May 09, 2006

    This wallpaper is wonderful, rikka-chan!
    The background fits rukia perfectly :)
    I've already put it in the group's gallery.
    Ah, you forgot our bleach group banner ^^

  9. CagalliLover84 May 09, 2006

    Nice Rukia wall... I like the background alot... the image doesn't really fit the background but it was a great effort... keep up the good work... hope to see some more!

  10. Milkiyo May 11, 2006

    omg! a dark wall from the sweet rikkachan! has the world gone mad? :P
    the fluffy red thing at the edges don't do that well in though..have the bloody touch but doesn't look much like..blood
    nice thought of the concept >_< but..aizen cute? :X

  11. trinigirl524 May 14, 2006

    whoaaa awesome background and the abstract effects looks very cool too. i dont know about the reddish borders, something about it doesnt fit right in my opinion. and rukia doesnt blend so much with the background. but otherwise nice effort and work ^^ and good luck in the contest! XD

  12. flyindance May 19, 2006

    kind of agree wf u, sumting feels no rite
    I tink the background n the character dun really match quite well

  13. walkure245 May 24, 2006

    A very interesting concept. I'm not sure whether the scan matches the bg that well. I think the bg has a more darker, more metallic appearance to it, while she has more of a warm tinge to her. But I do like the bg. Maybe picking a different scan would look a lil better. And the red edges would look better if you varied the colors and textures a bit. This is a really nice piece. Good work~

  14. deeplove Jul 13, 2006

    pretty cool. nice nice background. I like how its not the typical background. thanks for the contribution.

  15. sethimayne Aug 10, 2006

    nice - very stylish. It'll be my background for a while, thanks ^_^

  16. 404UserNotFound Apr 02, 2009


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