I don't really care about the rest... it's all about Umi.^-^
I must admit Hikaru's "lol clone" is interesting, too... and she's also nuts.
Thanks for sharing :)
this one is a great illustration
taken from the cover of a coloring book.
hope u like it :D
Browse Magic Knight Rayearth Gallery: Recent | Popular.
I don't really care about the rest... it's all about Umi.^-^
I must admit Hikaru's "lol clone" is interesting, too... and she's also nuts.
Thanks for sharing :)
I have seen a black-and-white version of this picture on the back of a Rayearth shitajiki (pencilboard) before, but to have it coloured in like this, it is absoultely fabulous. As usual, Umi really knows how to strike a pose!
super belle elle est tro jolie super
Esta foto est
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