o wow! cool! LOL, blue skies are just a perfect background for certain walls <3
it's lively yet a bit melancholy =D
Artist Comment
Ok, I think this has got to be the only wallpaper I have made that may actually be worth the time I spent on it. Of course I extracted both sets of characters from scans I found on 4chan. Each scan had a similiar background originally to what I gave it here again, Talho and Holland on blue sky while Renton and Eureka on orange due to the sunset. I used some photoshop brushes for the clouds in the background. I also extracted from various other E7 scans the skyfish in the background. Total of I dunno 15 layers I think and I'd say around 3 hours of work. Let me know what you think.
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ShiXon May 04, 2006
REDkeith May 04, 2006
my personal opinion- you could have maid it even better if you hadn't put the light effects in, looks kinda gloomy for the characters' emotions and you kinda block the colors from the scans which are really good, but the other part is ok - the skyfish you put dont look as if they're not from the scans, and the theme you chose is also really good. If it's ok with you, i think more people will like it if you simply use the original lightning of the pictures. 10x for listening, hope i'm not too critical :) Oh, and the white thing in the center, looks more like a camera flash, than.....anything else, if you think of posting another version, you might reconsider putting it as well
nighthawk51 May 04, 2006
I like it but I agree with REDkeith on the coloring. The lightling darkens the rest of the wallpaper a bit too much. The colors in the series are so bright it makes this wp look a bit odd.
Anyway, great work
bromithia Retired Moderator May 04, 2006
Kind of dark, but it's an alright wallpaper overall.
Keonyn May 05, 2006
It's a nice wallpaper, I like it, the resolution is a little odd however but that can be modified with a basic graphics program. Nice work.
striket May 10, 2006
Sweet, that's my desktop resolution. Lol
God, Fluke, what didn't i think of this combination before~!
+fav :D -
Hasaki-Keissi May 11, 2006
Definitely a good piece of work there. Worth a favorite.
rollingmreg Oct 23, 2006
It is a double couple looking happy.
gundamknight07 Feb 05, 2010
i'm new at this site but how do you get more credits
Furiz Feb 24, 2010
hehe a double couple
and maybe trouble :)
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