cute wall oOo is your first..congrats it is lovely
+ fav from me for your work :D
Artist Comment
This is my first wallpaper!
The picture from
This is my first time using Photoshop, so I think this is a crappy wallpaper.
Well, I dont know what should i write here,
so please comment this wallpaper and give me critiques.
Thanks to k1ru-san coz helping me using my photoshop...
Thanks a lot, man! I really appreciate your help!
And to my sister, coz she helped me to make this wallpaper!
Thanks guys!
Hope you like it!
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dianas Apr 30, 2006
k1ru Apr 30, 2006
as diana-san said, congratulation for your first wallpaper!
it was really really lovely, soo nice! ^^
Keep your great work! -
lilluska Apr 30, 2006
Waah! this is so cute wallpaper! I have read this manga but I can't never remember what it was... But hey I added it to my favorites! And one more thing congratulations for your first wall!
akuma2002 Apr 30, 2006
Excellent job for your first wallpaper, so cute :D
The background is wonderful :DAnd btw, the girl is Tomari-chan from Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~
afaT Apr 30, 2006
First wall?! O.O. Omg, you must be amazing ^^. Congrats on your first wall, and plz continue post amazing wallies like this one in the future ;). Its lovlely ^^
Thx for sharing ^^
Btw, we should not forget k1ru and your sister ^^. They did a great job helping you ^^. Just look at the result ;)
afaT -
eXDream2K5 Apr 30, 2006
this is a beautiful wallpaper for your first one! I love the colors and how the girl and the background go so well together. very nicely done, and keep it up! :D
phamthuha Apr 30, 2006
As you wish, I will give my comment on this wallie ^_^
Okay. My first impression about this wallie is that the color is really soft, or we can say it is TOO soft ^_^ And that is why it leaves no strong view. As now i can complain about some elements in this wall:
- The moutain is TOO fake that i think it is ruining the wall... and when i fullview i have to repeat that it is REALLY ruining the wall. If you want to make moutain, then try to add in some crack or texture next time to make it more real and smaller... too big to eyes +___+
- Then about the tree... what should i say now since it is the most wonderful part of this wall ^_^ I really like the way you deal with the brush and make the blossom so lovely ;) But it seems to be too much for a wall... you should add in another element to make the wall more lively. And don't just pink and pink and pink, another color is really necessary ^_^
- The sky is really a weak point in this wallie... I guess a secenery wallie really needs a wonderful but this one is just show out sorrow and poorly done effect... the color is also not nice enough. All of those cloud merge with the sun really really make me mad +__+ Okay then i will stop for this part... sky is my best part and i can't complain more with this sky since you still need more works and experiece to settle up your own sky.
- The birds: what do you think your doing since the birds are TOO sharp... i think remove it will be better if you don't want to low down your wallie's cost or else plz make them smaller and fly in a group...
- The grass: well the file size is 800kb+ and it is taking me ages to download... so i guess i can't wait till the grass shows out to complain... just look at the thumb I can say that the tree is too poor in blending with the grass... well still need more work.
Okay then at the end ^_^ I hope all of those words won't hurt you since I am nearly a master with scene wall.... so well i hope my experience can help you more in improving your own skill ^_^ Take care of the color more 'cause it is the most important part that build up a wonderful wall ^_^
Good luck then and sure I will give you a fav as reward for your hard working ^_^ Nice done the 1st time, sweetie ;)
quantixar May 01, 2006
*Blink* Wow, such a cute wallpaper for a first one. I agree with phamthuha about the mountain but other than that I dont have much to complain. Keep up practising, you just might have a talent there! :)
N9e1 May 01, 2006
OMG! I can't believe it's your first time making wallie~ This is so professionally done~ It's beautiful~~~ The mountain looks a bit strange, but still, the image is very well composed and I love the overall effect~
Great work!
*fav* -
Rikkablurhound May 01, 2006
Your first wall? pretty^^
Thanks for introducing it to FW & also the banner ^^
I think U did well... It looks like a pretty photograph...
The hills looks good, though Ill prefer it without the clouds.. >_<
aside that, your composing of trees are really pretty^^
& the grass is great too XD
+fav & feature -
revontulet May 01, 2006
Yah..i love it..i faved it..ur first wallie O_O!
Thats pretty awesome :) U have a good teacher hey!
Hmmmm just one thing soz..the sun or that yellow/brown thing in the top left..its kinda uneven and odd..i think it would look better without..
but anyways, that just me..well done XD -
Osirisa May 01, 2006
wa, so good for the first wall ^___^ I just think that the color brings me a thought of an old image..... I mean, the colors need be brighter ^__^ n the sky needs more work too........ anyways, good for the 1st one ;)
fawna-chan May 02, 2006
This, like everyone else said, is pretty good for your first wallpaper and the one thing that I really don't like is the looks too spray-painty-ish...not "real" enough. But congrats on your first wallpaper and they can only get better! :)
chichiri1907 May 03, 2006
Pretty Good for your first wall, especially the extraction
But their are some flaws,+ Bird: I belive thatthe bird you used is a shape, right? Maybe yo shold use a brsh so that it can be a little more easy on the eyes
+ Mountain: wow at first i thoght they were chocalate ice cream at first, lol, anyways maybe yo can add a textre to it and give it some weird shaping, becase real montains aren't a perfect shape they have rigids and weird shapes
+Grass: the grass is great bt yo shold have added more to the backgrond so that i can look more real and so it can look like the smaller tree is in the back
+Sun: No sn is that dark, maybe you can use the "lens flare' filter and mess with the seetings and that will give you a nice sun
good job on your first wall :) -
evelluchia Aug 16, 2011
so pretty i love it ^-^ nice work thanks for sharing
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