wooooo! (i call this my "surprise comment" =P ) i luv this hehe, it's sssoo pretty! btw this is my first comment EVER on this lol
Artist Comment
"i know it's hard but we must part
i know you will be missed
under the cherry blossom trees
we share our final kiss..."
Yeh, cheesy. I thought of it in the shower...
Total RAM used when open in The Gimp: 1.39GB
Visible Layers: 53
Original raw file resolution: 3000x2250 (scaled up from a 1280x1960 scan)
This has been an ongoing project for the last two months. Lost interest in it for personal reasons, but now I'm over that, and finished it. I'm dedicating this to a new friend of mine called Emma. It's been really nice getting to know her!
Aaaaanyway, nice big resoultion for you. If you want smaller sizes, they will be available on my blog soon...
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emenemenem Apr 29, 2006
Bumble-Bee Apr 29, 2006
Geeehhh...lucky boy! Nice scan... However, please...post kissing scans no more... Hhhhh...I pity myself... Everytime I see kissing scenes is like having knives stabbed into my heart... I'm a single, you know... and nearly celebrated it's 20th anniversary... boooohhoooo!
DepressedYoukai Apr 29, 2006
This is kawaii! What a nice wally! Thanks for sharing, this is good ^_^
maxrob May 02, 2006
that looks grate and it is so sweet
LeeAnn May 14, 2006
very tasty!
sophity Aug 05, 2006
Waaaaaaaaa *-*
Sooooo Kawaaaaai n_n
I love it *Fav* ^-^
Koi89 Oct 15, 2006
its a pretty decent work, i like the romantic flair it gives. :)
mechanical-angel Nov 19, 2006
cute! ^^
porupo706 Oct 28, 2009
thanks a lot for sharing! thanks a lot for sharing!
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