
War of Genesis III Wallpaper: :: Please Don't Take It Away From Me

Hyung-Tae Kim, War of Genesis III, Albatini De Medich, Empress Christina Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

[Inspiration :: Terrible Lie & Something i can never have from NIN, and some other songs from Placebo ]

New wall, something that came out from some depression moments and a lot of things that i have to take out in some way, for example making a wall.

Firt time in a lot of things, even you cant notice it i re-cg some parts of the grass [not just paste green stuff], then the sky, erasing some clouds and adding shading on each part using default brushes [also something that cant be seen at first].

Trace some leaves from the original scan, blur them, change the opacity of them, i dont like the result of the background with a lot of leaves, so i just leave a few ones and dont make it too busy. Home made noisy texture and of course one texture from DA!.

Enjoy it.

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  1. dianas Apr 28, 2006

    nice wall ^^ the colors area great..
    and the couple looks good :D + fav from me for your work ;)

  2. darkar Apr 28, 2006

    This is a nice wallpaper. I can feel a bit of the feeling u want to present. Good work !

  3. Siri Apr 29, 2006

    very sweet feeling to this wallpaper
    nice work

  4. Sayonara Apr 29, 2006

    My gosh, amazing wall, love the background and i loooove the picture so nice... relax mood and of course kind of romantic at the same time. NICE job . ^_^

  5. Sandra Apr 29, 2006

    I love this kind of works ya know Rebel ? So calm and mysterious feeling....Really great job as always , definitly goes to my favs ! Finally i see a lot of good wallies in MT gallery :)

  6. evasion Apr 29, 2006

    Hey, awesome wallpaper! This is totally wonderful - excellent job with the re-CG, I <3 it! :)

  7. Yina Apr 29, 2006

    wow.. i love the feeling coming out of this one.. >__<
    it's so peaceful and calm.. and the text is <333
    excellent worku.. >xD

  8. REDkeith Apr 29, 2006

    as all the people above have already said ONE HECK OF A WALLPAPER :) !
    you've done a real good job capturing the emotion in your work and the text explains it all (for those not noticing it:) i already have this scan, and it's one of my favourites so thank you for putting it in your masterpiece :) Wonderful work ,again. I'm not that good with comments so i hope I made my point :) keep it up

  9. Marcy Apr 30, 2006

    Very sweet... Touching too...

  10. Revan Retired Moderator May 04, 2006

    Seems everyone agrees that this shows a lot of emotion. I have really liked the color scheme and your work with the text.

  11. Sabbathiel Jun 04, 2006

    fantastic wallpaper,
    I like those effects and background, well done!

  12. ilhamps Mute Member Nov 24, 2009

    wow wow
    a nice picture
    i love it..

    good job
    keep going..!

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