
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: Animedia 2004 April in G-SEED-D

Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Athrun Zala, Shinn Asuka, Lunamaria Hawke


My Personal Scan

This is a scanning of monthly Animedia April 2004 issue.

It is the one that Animage collected ahead was scanned a little.
Capacity is large because the resolution is high and it sets it.
Do the self adjustment of the color and the contrast.

I think that popularity is still high.
It is interested in the music used for this program.
Let's hear CD by you.

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  1. LacusLover Apr 28, 2006

    Compared to other scans of her, Meer looks pretty flat in this one. Meyrin looks cute as always and Shinn seems pissed that Athrun has all the girls. Thank qyou for sharing.

  2. Odeena Apr 28, 2006

    I think Meer looks cute though... Despite what most people say, I actually like her, especially after I saw that episode dedicated entirely to her (around phase 45, I think). Thank you for sharing.

  3. moonescape Apr 29, 2006

    I would have to think that the scan makes me alugh a little because Athrun is loking at Meer and Lunamaria and Meryin is looking at Athrun in a like like way. ^-^

  4. LilKittyCrazie Apr 29, 2006

    Seriously Meer would never be Lacus and I like that Meer! And Luna should realise that she'll never be like Lacus-sama / Meer. Meyrin was sweet as usual. Shinn looks like he's gonna bang Athrun for not getting his job seriously. Well, with Meer around, playtime begins! And Athrun getting the same face as Kira when Kira saw Lacus for the first time in SEED. LOL.

  5. kira-freedom Apr 29, 2006

    It's zaft team....Nice scan^_^

  6. matrempit Apr 29, 2006

    Hahaha. Athrun looks prettier than all the girls put together. Hooray for pretty!Athrun.

    Adores Meer's boobies, btw. xDDD

  7. almina May 17, 2006

    Thanks for sharing this nice scan. Athrun really seems like he's the younger of the group -_-' . Maybe one day I could understand what's written here but I'm happy with just the pics.

  8. bluemoonBaby Jun 04, 2006

    Athrun & his harem again. Poor Shinn, he doesn't have any luck. And doesn't he look so jealous. Maybe Athrun will share if he asks nicely :)

  9. pchne2630 Banned Member Jul 16, 2006

    The background and the Manchu matches oh appears the expression which
    lead's relations and the importance oh also appears sad and is at a
    loss but also to appear complex and the melancholy expression or the
    happy expression oh good likes oh

  10. veeh4anime Dec 25, 2006

    Poor Athrun .. BACK OFF GIRLS ! XD Cagalli belongs to him !
    and what's Meer doing, showing off her *aherms* .. ? -.-"

  11. Sopsi Mute Member Dec 06, 2009

    Nice scan :3 I haven't seen it before~~

    Thanks for sharing^^

  12. Hills Jul 08, 2010

    meer boobies look like missiles LMAO

  13. cagakiraasu Jan 06, 2011

    although i don't like shinn and the hawk sisters even at the end of gsd (i know that they r good friends of athrun and will be for live like kira, lacus, yzak and dearka and that athrun is in orb with cagalli as the admiral of orb), i always HATED meer to the fullest and i'm glad she's dead at the end of gsd!even if she was pretty and nice, she was still pretty bitchy and a total flirt...i hated it when she slept with athrun without him knowing about it, seriously, i wanted cagalli to instead knock on the door and kick meer's ass, lol! btw CAGALLI ALSO NEEDS A 3-BOY UNWANTED HAREM IN THE MOVIE to be fair-who agrees with me here?-but cagalli telling athrun that she only loves him and asucaga living happily ever after~

  14. SKNZero Mar 02, 2011

    I luv this thank for sharing

  15. fitarol15 Jun 11, 2014

    Meer Is So Cute! She's Just Doing This For Peace And Even If She Knew That She's Being Used She's Ok And I Hate It When People Tell Bad Thinga About Her! I Hate It!
    She's Just A Girl With A Crush On Athrun Why Hating Her Asucaga Fans You Only Wants That Ugly Cagalli And Hates Meer Instead *Although I Love Cagalli But I Snaps On The Haters of Meer* Anyway This Scan Rocks Meer Nice pose!

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