I love it!~~
Two thumbs up!
you're right, there aren't much of uktake walls around~
Artist Comment
since there's hardly any ukitake walls, i decided to make one -- i always liked his pose when he released his zanpaktou. so here it is...
i started off with a manga scan and had to modify it extensively -- like adding more hair ^_^ and redoing some of his clothes and weapons, coloring it, fixing random stuff, create the background and reiatsu, and other wonderful stuff...all changes were somewhat logged in my sandbox thread. many thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions to get it to how it looks now....i hope people out there like it ^^"
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skyera Apr 19, 2006
nekogirl333 Apr 19, 2006
i love this! i had tried to vector a screencap of this before but failed. hmm the fire effects are ok but could be better tho.
Hotaru89 Apr 20, 2006
It's good~
I like it~
The effects' not bad~
Ukitate's looking quite good~
At least... he doesn't look like he's sick~
ahahaha... ^_^" Gomen Gomen~
Anyway, keep it up~! -
phlip Apr 21, 2006
the color's effect looks great! keep going !
wongton Apr 21, 2006
really nice wall... pretty cool
merged: 04-22-2006 ~ 03:08am
really nice wall... pretty cool -
Odeena Apr 25, 2006
I can tell you put a lot of work in this wallpaper... Congratulations, you deserve them. +fav from me ^_^
emac7 May 01, 2006
it true there are not enough Ukitake wallies out there. so, i would like to thank you for giving us one of him and his bankai. Good Job. :)
s4bre May 13, 2006
very nice wallpaper ^_______^
kesshin May 25, 2006
Ukitake! Indeed walls and scans and anything Ukitake is just too rare out there. So all thumbs up and thanks so much for sharing!
rollingmreg Oct 26, 2006
There is too much absence due to illness.
SangoHiwatari28 Feb 19, 2007
yaay! a scan of Ukitake Taichou!
thanks for sharing *-* -
soc Jun 10, 2007
i agree with u! such a cool pose! thumbs up for ya!
ueki Nov 29, 2009
nice wallie. thanks for sharing :)
crash09dart May 19, 2010
Go go go~~
~Thanks ~for~ Sharing~
lengocson Jun 20, 2010
sometimes less is more...what a fine example here.
congrats on such a unique concept. Lovin it.
yuannyyap Sep 16, 2010
Wow, i really appreciate this awesome wall of yours. :D
I hardly find his wallpaper around. Sigh~
Thanks for sharing. =) -
freak2015 Sep 29, 2010
finally, one cool ukitake wall, thanx
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