I can see the hard work you have put into this. It's lovely :) Good luck for the competition!

2048x1536 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
This wallpaper was featured in Colorfull-Wallies group!
Hello guys! I believe I haven't submitted a work for a while...but here I am now! ^_^
Believe it or not, but I have been working on this pic for severals weeks... and I think that ,never in my life, did I have so much thoughts of the kind "F*** it all to hell!" and "Damn it!" while making a wall^^;;
The original pic is a black and white scan from the manga of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and you can see it HERE.
The hardest work : vectoring the black outlines, vectoring the black outlines, vectoring the black outlines and , oh!, did I mention vectoring the black outlines? It was really a living hell to take care of those and the grass + Sakura's&Fye's hairs together with all the missing parts covered by texts, symbols or drawings or...blablabla... killed me even more then the rest T___T It took me weeks to vector and it drove me totally crasy lots of times!...But since it's my very first black&white vector, I guess it's not bad ^_^
Now...the coloring!
It took me 2 days and, well, it's definitely different from their usual style I think...or not?
The only brushes used were the ones you can see on Kurogane : the green dragon and the blood ; the flower on
Syaoran's T-shirt was vectored from Nobu's (a male character from the manga Nana by Ai Yasawa) and the
drawings on Fye's T-shrit was drawn by me using the pen tool, I hope it looks ok :) And finally, Kurogane's
t-shirt : I vectored the black symbol from a scan of the manga and then added the red mark : at first it was as perfect
circle and all, but since Kuro is lying on his side, I though it was not natural for the drawing on his chest to have
such a perfect geometrical shape, so I started distorting it until I was satisfied with the result...For the ones who
doesn't know about the latest chapters of TRC, I believe you can't understand why I put such a symbol on him,
but believe me when I say Kuro has VERY good reasons to hate them, maybe even more then Sakura and Syaoran! As for
Sakura, at first she has a pink dress with flowers buuutt....well...she really looked like she didn't belong with
the three others boys, soooo! I ended up having a lot of fun patchworking her dress using patterns. Nyah! \^__^/
As for the colors I used on the four of them, well, I did it with the "feeling of the moment" : Syaoran looked
cool in lots of red and Fye was kawai in lots of blue and...
Anyway!, when I finished coloring the four of them I was really happy until...THE truth downed on me : I had forgotten there were the grass left to color...Urrrgggggg!
For the ones who knows my others works, you must be surprised by the super big size of this wall (all my others are 1280*1024) : it just that I though this wall was reall worth letting it big since it was of a very good quality, better then resizing it on the usual format I always put my walls on. The black "lines" aren't here because it's fashionable nor anything : it just that the size of my pic was bigger then the format allowed by Minitokyo policy, and when I made it more little , there were parts left in blanc T_________T
That's it!
When I though about making this more then a month ago, I wasn't planning to use it for a contest but well! : this is my submission for the Tsubasa group coloring contest! Wish me luck! It definitely won't be easy to win since there are so many skilled people in the group :)
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joviality Apr 13, 2006
ikki333 Apr 13, 2006
Although the dress is plane (without shadow)... the image that you have chosen id great! also there is hard work in it...
Congratulation! -
nisnoopy3 Apr 13, 2006
Wow! :o
Spending so much time on this wallie must be real hard work for ya! ;) I like her dress with the patterns you put on it. Good job in vectoring the whole things. Great colouring skills too! :D
I like colourful wallies and this wallie prove it! ^^
I wish you good luck and the best for the colouring contest! ^_^ Thanks for sharing! :pacman: -
mysticdawn Mute Member Apr 13, 2006
This is a really cool coloring! I think the blood on Kurogane's pants is a little too much, but I guess we had to show that he's a warrior somehow... Good job!
AngelKate Apr 13, 2006
Daaang...that's awesome! I don't think I could ever have the patience to do something like that. The lines look fine, and the color wotk is amazing. GREAT job!
Niina Apr 13, 2006
It's So Beautiful !
Your Effort Deserves More Than A Favs !
Keep On Going ~~ -
schwindelmagier Apr 13, 2006
amazing CuteSherry-chan
a wonderful wallie and such big and long work O.o
congratulations to this wallie....it is perfect and everybody looks so....cool and pretty^.^
greatt work..keep it up
and you are great in vectoring ^.~ -
phamthuha Apr 13, 2006
^_^ I can see from the thumb this wall will get the TOP fea in CW ;) Well done sweetie, i really love the way you make the bg since it is so cool vector ;)
All the edge in this wall really absort to eye and make we feel fresh & lively ^_^ I will ask Phill-chan sothat she can agree with me for the top fea or not, but sure this wall will still be nor fea anyway so don't worry.Good luck and fav from me ^_^
sillymoogle Apr 13, 2006
Good work. But it really looks like you could have used some of the new features in Illustrator CS 2... Namely the Live Paint. It would have made that grass "issue" not as big of a deal. You can draw regions without a black line (like for the grass shading) and fill in the color later with something like the Paint Bucket tool. Still the "Live Trace" would not have worked well for this image because of the text, so the vectoring of the black elements would still have been a pain..
moonelf313 Apr 13, 2006
WOW! This took some time and it looks absolutly amazing...the patterns and the coloring and everything you did...Good luck in the contest too! I like the vectoring of the clothes too and that you put them in clothes they wouldn't normally wear! *giggles* Once again thanks for sharing good luck and a Fav for me...hopefully we see this in the elite gallery too...*crosses fingers*
CLAMPchic Apr 13, 2006
First, good luck in the coloring contest.
Second, I like what you did with the clothes, but I've gotta say that Fye's shirt is actually my favorite design! I think you did a really good job with it when you drew it; I wish I had a shirt with a design like that one...I'd love it! I also like what you did with Kurogane; he looks good (and natural) in dark colors. The symbol was an interesting take, but hey, I'm not complaining; it looks good on him :) And Sakura's dress just seems to fit her character, you know what I mean? The flowers and colors and such...of course, that's probably how you meant it to be. As for Syaoran, the shirt looks good, but it's not my favorite choice for his clothes; his pants, however, are totally awesome! I love the design on them. Overall, good matching colors and designs to the characters :)
Lastly, when I looked at the wall close-up, I could definitely see all the work that went into it. It does look like it'd take you a long time to do with all the details and little particulars you added in. But if you loook at it not considering all the work you had to do, I think it's definitely a scan-quality; and by that I mean that someone could've scanned it in from an art book or something (this is a compliment, even if it may not seem like it...).
Overall, very nicely done, Cutesherry! -
Beccieboo Apr 13, 2006
wow. thats awesome. i wish i could get a hold of the latest chapters of trc :( anyway. what you did with sakuras dress looks awesome ^^ but all the other outfits are great aswell :D also good luck in the contest , ttyl
Beccie XxX
Rella Apr 13, 2006
That looks awesome! Wow, I really love the vector and colors. You must've worked extremely hard on this wallpaper. Great work!
haplo Apr 13, 2006
Great drawing + good vectoring + coloring + so much hard work = favorite!
SakuraShirayuki Apr 13, 2006
wooooooow really great! thx for this!
aqiaqua Apr 13, 2006
*squeals* Awesome Vector! Must of taken ages to do! I love it so much! You've really outdone yourself again! Obviously, this is going to my faves and on my desktop ^^
Amazing CuteSherry!
Sumomo- Apr 13, 2006
I can see you put in much effort into this.
Really excellent work! :D -
RabienRose Apr 13, 2006
wow! awesome wall! great job with the coloring and everything i can really tell you worked hard! ;)
AnimeFan4Life Restricted Member Apr 14, 2006
Great wall. Love it. Keep them coming. It reminds me of 'Honey & Clover', there is a picture similar to this one.
pana Apr 14, 2006
nicely vectored
great coloring
and from experience i know how long it can take do make this type of wallpaper :)well done
CosmoStar Apr 14, 2006
This is awesome! Congrats!
I loved all the patterns and details you added to their clothes and the colors and painting are simply gorgeous! The pic you chose is really troublesome but so pretty that worthes the effort :D !
The angle you put the pic is nice too!
Please, keep up your splendid job and thanks for sharing it!
My instantly fav! -
Machika Apr 14, 2006
OMG! You rock, cutesherry-san! >_<
The vector is so details and beautiful. Fullview is better than thumbnail though ;)
I can understand how hard you tried on this wallpaper and I don't wanna imagine it ^_^'
I can never do anything like this T_T
This is my fav >.< -
KawaiiCardcaptorSakura Apr 14, 2006
OMG! This is soooooo Awesome! :D
U have done such amazing coloring! *______*
U are too good! :D
You've such an amazing job! And you've worked so hard on this wall! ^^All I can say is Thanks for sharing this lovely piece of art! :)
Fav from me! ^____^
juanicths Apr 14, 2006
woh~ great job on vectoring and coloring the scan ^^ Really love the wall!
perfect for a nice lazy summer!
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