
Ys Wallpaper: In This Serenity

Shunsuke Taue, Ys, Olha Wallpaper
Shunsuke Taue Mangaka Ys Game Olha Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I made it 1 or 2 months ago... Don't remember exactly, but i'm sure it took a really short time, only about 6 hours.... And it looks bad T_T I sometimes thought of throwing it away, but... ano, whatever.

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  1. nolove Apr 09, 2006

    you rock sweetie ^^, absolutely beautiful wall, a very very nice water and sky since and a fabulous scan ^o^, so kool.
    keep it up ^^

  2. Machika Apr 09, 2006

    OMG! I love this wallie. Is that the lake or the sea? It's so lovely and peaceful too.
    My fav >_<

  3. phamthuha Apr 09, 2006

    Hum.... i don't know why Love-chan said it is absolutely a beautiful wall .... I find this one just like the worst you have ever made +___+ So sorry for saying that but if you look clearly, the scan is TOO bad quality and i am SURE you can make it more smooth. Not only that, the rock is too sharp, and the water not bring the feel of distance. The moutain in the farther part is TOO blurry and that make the wall kinda weird.
    Also the white space in the left part is TOO much and that make the wall more poor and simple. I still can't understand what is the main idea you want to included... if it is Heaven, then where is the feel of heaven? If it is just water or lake or river etc... then it is too poor and not enough to make up a wall that is as beautiful as your others... I believe you can do better next time and plz don't fall my expectation, i am sure you got what the talent is ^_^

    Good luck anyway ;)

  4. moonelf313 Apr 09, 2006

    I love the serenity of the wall...it fits the title that is for sure. +Favs for me...anyways...:)

  5. onestepclosertonumb Apr 09, 2006

    Quote by phamthuhaHum.... i don't know why Love-chan said it is absolutely a beautiful wall .... I find this one just like the worst you have ever made +___+ So sorry for saying that but if you look clearly, the scan is TOO bad quality and i am SURE you can make it more smooth. Not only that, the rock is too sharp, and the water not bring the feel of distance. The moutain in the farther part is TOO blurry and that make the wall kinda weird.
    Also the white space in the left part is TOO much and that make the wall more poor and simple. I still can't understand what is the main idea you want to included... if it is Heaven, then where is the feel of heaven? If it is just water or lake or river etc... then it is too poor and not enough to make up a wall that is as beautiful as your others... I believe you can do better next time and plz don't fall my expectation, i am sure you got what the talent is ^_^

    Good luck anyway ;)

    Yeah, it's exactly what i want to hear. I've said it's so bad and it makes me upset. lol before uploading it i thought i must have made some changes but in the end i didn't do that. Change or not wouldn't make it better X-P

  6. Amru-chan Apr 09, 2006

    Hum, I think it is a very nice wallpaper >_<. Why you said it's too bad ^^'. Fav from me ^^

  7. pomelocmy Apr 09, 2006

    nice wallpaper. :)

  8. upheaval325 Apr 09, 2006

    nice wallie...the background looks nice...like the colours and the details...good work

  9. Rhonda21 Apr 09, 2006

    Well I think it looks pretty. The background is nice. I like the water. I think you did a really nice job.

  10. xianghua Apr 09, 2006

    Very nice wallie!
    I really like the scan but its not that great in quality XD
    I really love the mountains and the bg!
    The sky on the left top is too white ^_^'
    I like the effects ;)
    But other than that its a great wall!
    Hope to see more!
    Favs from me :)


  11. lazyqingz Apr 14, 2006

    +fav frm me! i luv it, no matter what others may say. gan batte! :)

  12. fredsmart Apr 15, 2006

    Very Good the BEST ONE Of Olha of Y's I like it GOOD JOB added her to my favourits and downloaded THANK YOU

  13. slashwindcrono Apr 20, 2006

    wow! flutie! nice one! and its a fairy at the beach! hey! heres the sun?, hehehe...

  14. enchantment Apr 21, 2006

    wow, really pretty and lovely, it seems really peaceful^^

  15. ChaosCraZ May 23, 2006

    >>> OMG...
    >>> There's somethin' wrong !

    >>> i know wat.....
    >>> cuz u did it too good !

    >>> add to fav !

  16. RizaHawkeye17 Jul 21, 2010

    very serenity! =3
    i love this! thanks

  17. kawajka Aug 31, 2010

    It's kawaii. Thank you very much;)

  18. sapphystar Oct 08, 2010

    it is beautiful, u mad it all blend in so well:) awesome job! i wish i culd do that, it super cool:D

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