
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Wallpaper: _|//*The Beauty of the MoonLight*//|

TYPE-MOON, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, Archetype Earth Wallpaper
TYPE-MOON Studio Shingetsutan Tsukihime Series,Visual Novel Archetype Earth Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

:) ~ :D ~ :o ~ XD
It have a better resolution if you see it on the real size

This wallie was a little difficult, but it was worth the whole work, because I simply loved the result.
This was one of the best than I already did.
After being with the rested head and finished the endless weeks of tests, I finally could make something that really leave me happy.
This wallie represents the freedom and the power.
I used many layers, many bushes and a lot of patience to create this effects that you can see.

Hope you enjoy ~~

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  1. DancingBlades Mar 26, 2006

    very beautiful! love it much! +fav

  2. lunacrystal Mar 26, 2006

    It is very beautiful! eveything is lovely! fav+

  3. TenX Mar 27, 2006

    ohhh.. purple *-*... my girl will luv it ^^
    its really beautifull and well done!
    but i think that the moon should be a little bluried... cause we hav the girl in the first plan focused the second plan with the catlse a little bluried and the moon/sky focused too.. ^^....
    anyway... its amazin the color composition and everything.. ^^

  4. chikage-kekinha Mar 27, 2006

    It's very, very, very beauty!
    It's so cute!
    I like the colour!
    And I like her looks too!
    Great job, my friend!^^

  5. Hilariousity Mar 27, 2006

    nice work its very..... purple

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator Mar 27, 2006

    Wow, so purple!
    The bg is really cool and the sky is awesome. Very nicely done!

  7. inuyashalove04 Mar 27, 2006

    Wow, you're just submitting wallies like crazy. hehe
    Now, about your wallpaper...well, one word seems to be appropriate. AMAZING! Yes my friend, amazing. Everything is beautiful. The bg work is wonderful (especially the sky) and I love the castle. And the scan...beautiful. She fits wonderfully with the bg. You should be very proud of this wallpaper. I believe this is your best one yet. Keep up the good work.

  8. quantixar Mar 27, 2006

    Waaii! Purple! :) Very beautiful. Good job!

  9. pomelocmy Mar 27, 2006

    this wallpaper is beautiful. and it is also purple in colour! WOW! i love purple! :)

  10. sylvacoer Mar 27, 2006

    As much as I love purple... I wish there were some other colors in this wall, just to make some of the details stand out more. The composition is solid, just too monochromatic for my taste. ^_^'

  11. dianas Mar 27, 2006

    nice wall sakuya-sama...this is one my my fav pics pics with Arcuied..
    i like the shade of mauve that you used + fav from me for your work

  12. nolove Mar 27, 2006

    awesome sweetie, such a great great...soso wonderful wall with nice and old scene >__< with lovely castle....oh the purple is so so lovely too
    +fav for sure sweetie ^^, keep it up

  13. phamthuha Mar 27, 2006

    Wonderful one, sweetie ^_^ You really did blend the color so successfully ^_^ That brings out the wallie in a perfect way ;)
    Well... still i found some bothering that the bridge is blurry while the star is so sharp +___+ you should fix it to perfecten the wallie ^_^

    Fav+ from me for sure, sweetie :nya:

  14. Jokoro Mar 27, 2006

    What a wonderful wall the purple them you got going kinda makes its a mystical theme to me. I just love it i tell ya just love it!

  15. Rhonda21 Mar 27, 2006

    So purple but so beautiful! Very nice looking background! I really luv how this turned out! Great Work!

  16. FlowerDog Mar 27, 2006

    Very interesting concept for a wallpaper. :) The purple as a main color actually looks pretty good. I also like it how you combined the moon and other objects with the character. Everything fits well together. Though the castle and most of the objects are stock images right? It's not easy combining with different kinds of images and you always seem to know how to gather them together and make them look right because I know that I don't have the taste to create wallpapers like you do. Nice job Sakuya-sama. :)

  17. syeung321 Mar 28, 2006

    gosh! sakuya-sama! i luv this! especially the girl and the moon! great work! fav 4 me!

  18. N9e1 Mar 28, 2006

    Cool wallie! I love your effect! ^_^ Purple makes it very mysterious and beautiful~
    Thank you for sharing!
    Good job! ^_^

  19. rene3088 Mar 28, 2006

    cool wall, even though a lil bit blurry near the edges of the castle, u've done good job!

  20. cloh Mar 28, 2006

    Really nice! I really love the sky and this shade of purple. But, I believe the castle and the bridge are really too blurry for such a beautiful and neat sky

  21. rafaellaGP Mar 28, 2006

    WAHHHH Tsukihime!
    i loove this anime! is so cool!
    wow! this wall is beautiful!
    i really like this colors!
    and the background is soo cool too! ^^
    fav, fav! :D
    great work

  22. IzumiChan Mar 28, 2006

    Waa, it looks great *_*
    Everything blends very well, and I loved the starry sky ^.^
    The moons look good... just a little too big OX
    But anime moons tend to be huge, so that's normal ^_^'
    I only didn't like very much the monochrome... I'm not a big fan of purple -_-
    But it's still a great job!
    +fav and congrats! XD

  23. sukie Mar 28, 2006

    it would have looked better if there was more colour...i mean purple is nice...however...the whole thing purplr...that's too much!

  24. UchihaTaijiya Mar 29, 2006

    No way! Purple is lovely! <3 ^^ (is referring to the person above her)
    I love it! You did great with this... everything fits incredibly well. ::favs::
    Amazing work, please keep it up!

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