
Ys Wallpaper: *-*empty music*-*

Shunsuke Taue, Ys, Olha Wallpaper
Shunsuke Taue Mangaka Ys Game Olha Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

~~ It's better if you see it on the real size ~~
Hi! :D
After a long time I am back with other wallpaper ^^! :)
I hope you like this wallpaper!
I delayed a little to do it... :sweat:
I had to use 47 layers to set up it... :nya:
Besides having to learn to do some effects!
I hope you like ^^ ;) :D

Hope you enjoymy wallie ^^

My friend Sakuya-sama's newest wallie*
_|//*The Beauty of the MoonLight*//|

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  1. xianghua Mar 26, 2006

    Very beautiful chikage!
    I like the atmosphere in this wall!
    The background is pretty and the stars too.
    The castle at the bottom edge is very well done!
    The scan is beautiful and suits the wall^_^ ( the green ribbon on the girl is bothering though ^_^' I wish it was another colour^^')
    Overall great work! Hope you'll submit more! *favs*


  2. CosmoStar Mar 26, 2006

    Very pretty! I liked the elf girl, she's so beautiful. The atmosphere of the wall is charming! The lights are pretty and the effect are great! Anyway, I can't feel any emptiness though :D!
    But the statement is poetic, well located and fits the scan.
    Thanks for sharing your art and congrats!

  3. sakuya-sama Mar 26, 2006

    It's a veryyyyyyyyyyy good wallie, My friend it's so good
    Very good work ^^
    It is know on my faves

  4. sageOfEarth Mar 27, 2006

    i hab this pic 2!But u did an
    exceptionally good job with
    the colors in the back

  5. IzumiChan Mar 27, 2006

    What a deep concept... *_*
    I agree with Cosmo, the wallie feels warm, and it doesn't bring me any empty feeling, but rather a good one ^.^
    I loved the castle, the effects look really good. Congrats for learning so much >.<
    It's a great job, go ahead, chikage!
    +Fav ;)

  6. phamthuha Mar 27, 2006

    I can see you really improve alot, sweetie ^_^ Keep it up and sure you can join CW in some of your next works ^_^

    Good luck ;) and sure my fav ^_^

  7. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Mar 27, 2006

    Beautiful wallie chikage-kekinha! The scan that you used is lovely and I like the background that you chose! The illuminated thread thing winding around her body is also really pretty! The only thing I can see (tho I'm not a waller, so forgive me if I use the wrong word) is that the sky on the left side of the wall looks kind of mottled... almost bordering on pixelated? But other than that great job! Keep it up! :D

  8. pomelocmy Mar 27, 2006

    fabulous work u have there. Love this wallpaper. :)

  9. nolove Mar 27, 2006

    woa woa, you prove that you did improve so so much sweetie >__<, such a kool magical wall >_< i luv it luv luv much, the scan is awesome but your BG is more than wonderful >__<.
    definitely fav sweetie ^^

  10. N9e1 Mar 28, 2006

    I love the magical effect you created.
    Good job!
    Thank you for sharing! ^_^

  11. Missy-K Mar 30, 2006

    Very pretty! Clean and smooth. Nice soft glittery effect too.

  12. Mnemeth Mar 31, 2006

    Incredible wall. Great colors and good integration of the background with the main figure. Very beautiful. Only suggestion would be to remove the trace line at her hips. That way it would look more like the trace line is wrapping around her.

  13. Milkiyo Mar 31, 2006

    nice colours...damn lot of layers u used O.O
    looks nothing much special but I can tell u've improved from ur previous works :) lovely effects, pretty matching overall in some places :P

  14. Rikkablurhound Apr 01, 2006

    Sakuya-sama is a lovely waller^^
    lol... anywway... your wall... em...
    Firstly, I wan to thank U for introducing it to our group & adding the FW banner! (^^) (_ _)
    I full viewed it, Its really lovely... But I want to know wat u used to extract the scan... >_<
    Because there are lots of white left out.. >_<
    U can do better! Try zooming in about 400px or so...
    or maybe just add an outer glow... haha... ^_^'
    anyway... I like your theme, its really pretty & U did a good job with the colours....
    I really love the colours! Just in case U didnt notice... there are some streaks of purple at her hand... >_< it looks out of place... >_<
    The moon... U might wanna blend it more into the BG, its really nice... Juts kind of solid... >_<
    perhaps an outer glow or just bluring it a lil at the edges... >_<
    I really love the BG, its magical, nice colours!
    U might wanna get rid of the castle... I think it spoils the BG... >_< just my opinion... because it isnt clear and kind jagged on the lines... >_<
    But its still lovely...
    +fav & feature.
    Thanks for introducing it to FW and for putting up the FW banner XD

  15. jyasenotenshi688 Apr 03, 2006

    Oh so beautiful! I love how everything meshes together to make one big great beautiful wall. +Favorite!

  16. Texcap Apr 05, 2006

    I've been chomping at the bit to play the most recent Y's release for awhile now, and this excellent wallpaper doesn't help. Beautiful stuff, if a little sad (lyrics). Look forward to finding out the context of all that's going on here.

  17. ikki333 Apr 14, 2006

    Excellen wall!
    I like much it :)

  18. wolfino Apr 25, 2006

    great job i like your wall well done^. .^

  19. khalednn Mute Member Apr 27, 2006

    great job i like it

  20. ArtificialRaindrop Apr 30, 2006

    I absolutely love your choice of colors for this wall :D Everything was well placed, and you even helped keep the text looking good with the blur of white behind it. It's very well done ;)

  21. najort414 May 20, 2006

    great job! :p

  22. Sakura-K Jun 19, 2006

    Um...I must say the colours are great ^^ I like how u combined the colours together ^^ *nodz* it's really good ^^

    Thanks for sharing it with us ^^ and soz bout the late reply. I've been working downwards on my notifications >.<''


  23. sweetsleep Banned Member Jul 13, 2006

    i like a background,add fav

  24. Ardenta Sep 30, 2006

    It is a beautiful wallpaper. A bit sad but calm one. :) Keep up the good work :)

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