Sakuya-sama is a lovely waller^^
lol... anywway... your wall... em...
Firstly, I wan to thank U for introducing it to our group & adding the FW banner! (^^) (_ _)
I full viewed it, Its really lovely... But I want to know wat u used to extract the scan... >_<
Because there are lots of white left out.. >_<
U can do better! Try zooming in about 400px or so...
or maybe just add an outer glow... haha... ^_^'
anyway... I like your theme, its really pretty & U did a good job with the colours....
I really love the colours! Just in case U didnt notice... there are some streaks of purple at her hand... >_< it
looks out of place... >_<
The moon... U might wanna blend it more into the BG, its really nice... Juts kind of solid... >_<
perhaps an outer glow or just bluring it a lil at the edges... >_<
I really love the BG, its magical, nice colours!
U might wanna get rid of the castle... I think it spoils the BG... >_< just my opinion... because it isnt clear
and kind jagged on the lines... >_<
But its still lovely...
+fav & feature.
Thanks for introducing it to FW and for putting up the FW banner XD