
Boogiepop Phantom Wallpaper: Schoolgirl Fabulous

Kouji Ogata, Madhouse, Boogiepop Phantom, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kouji Ogata Mangaka Madhouse Studio Boogiepop Phantom Series Vector Art Source

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Holy crap, it's been a loooong time since I submitted. But here you go--a crappy Boogiepop Phantom vectorishy thing!

I did the "vector" (I quote that because I'm still not sure I'm doing it right) myself. I didn't spend a whoooole lot of time on this...it's painfully simple, and your icons might fit nicely in the boxy part in the bottom right side. I called it "Schoolgirl Fabulous" because, well, she's in a seifuku, and she looks like she's doing a don't-care Michael Jackson-catwalk-disco thing. Yyyyeah.

Anyway...constructive criticism is much appreciated, and I hope you enjoy.

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  1. bromithia Retired Moderator Mar 26, 2006

    Clean, crisp, and creative. I love the colors and overall the use of such a limited scan. The vector looks pretty clean except for a few areas in the hair, but that isn't really a big deal. I'm not sure about the text, maybe making it alittle bit less flashy so it blends with the rest. Overall you did great, though.

  2. rocknroll-isgo Mar 27, 2006

    While simple overall (I'm a sucker for simplicity anyway xD), it has some nice design work and color choices. The only criticism I have is the fonts used. They don't do anything for me, especially the one used in "schoolgirl," as it's messiness seems to interrupt the overall sleekness. But I guess it's more of a personal preference rather than a criticism. Other than that, the wording is placed good.

    Great job Kaidou! Glad to see you're still around~ ;)

  3. abelini4 Mute Member Oct 13, 2009

    Excelent Wallpaper ^_^...

  4. theremosster Feb 17, 2010

    this wallpaper is very cool

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