
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Andy & Aisha

Personally scanned from Hisashi Hirai Illustration Works.

After going through the galleries, it seems this one is not posted yet in the gallery. A shame that Aisha died in GS. Since Mwu is back, Murrue is unavailable. Poor Andy...he must be lonely. :P

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  1. Odeena Mar 19, 2006

    That's a wonderful scan... thank you a lot for sharing!

  2. marikochan Mar 20, 2006

    I've always loved this image, because Aisha is just really cool and there just aren't very many images of her out there! Thanks for sharing!

  3. SHELLHEAD Mar 20, 2006

    A really original scan. First time I see it. Thanks.

    Un saludo

  4. UchihaTaijiya Mar 21, 2006

    Wow, that's lovely!
    Aisha is so pretty and Andy rocks!
    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  5. eternally-asuka Mar 21, 2006

    very nice scan, aisha looks really nice

  6. CagalliYulaAttha91 Mar 27, 2006

    Aisha ! XD rarely see scans of her (or even photos >.<) She's the prettiest girl in GS and GSD well to me...and maybe to Amanda too XD anyway thankew for sharing yeah ! XD

  7. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 30, 2006

    ooh, Andy/Aisha! it's so rare to find pics of Aisha, so thanks for sharing.

    yeah I love Mwu/Murrue and all, but I also like the potential between Andy and Murrue. I feel bad for Andy... poor guy, too bad Aisha couldn't come back...

  8. LacusLover Mar 30, 2006

    Like everyone else, I also find it a pity that Aishia couldn't have been one of the tens that somehow survived in an exploding suit. She was so cool, a perfect compliment to Tiger.

  9. enchantressinthedark Apr 01, 2006

    Nyaaaa...Aisha! She's the prettiest girl in the WHOLE series to me! Too bad that stoopid Kira had to kill her off >_< Great scan of her! I love her pose a lot and damn, her hair style ish so cool! I just wish that my hair ish like that XD Anyways, thanks for sharing with us!

  10. synapse Apr 03, 2006

    nice couple... too bad not much movie they got..

  11. beaver1975 Apr 30, 2006

    really good scan

  12. CronoCDT May 12, 2006

    WOW, she looks great in this scan, ther aren´t many pics of her so I´m very grateful for this scan, Andy was a lucky guy, too bad he lost her, thanks a lot for sharing

  13. queenyokai Jun 05, 2006

    I love this image most of all. This is a really great scan, thanks.
    If you havn't seen the Vivian or Kazuma Single cover, check it out. It has the 2 of them posed in the same position as this image, but with a guitar instead of a gun. And the remix has this same image as the cover. [or is it the other way around...anyway, it's cool]

  14. rogero Oct 20, 2006

    andrew and aisha are really cute together, this is a great image, thanks for sharing

  15. patterson891122 Nov 15, 2008

    NIce scan and a good pic!

    Oh Aisha! You looks so hot and beautiful!

  16. tennistensai Dec 27, 2009

    aisha is really pretty! i pity her for getting Vivian as her seiyuu..
    if not she would have live longer.. XD
    thx for sharing!

  17. guety Jan 10, 2010

    I love Aisha, thanks for the scan

  18. mintmint Jan 12, 2010

    she looks pretty! too bad she has little scene in the anime..

  19. EchizenRyoga Feb 01, 2010

    Very nice picture~ Thanks!

  20. jyannetto May 12, 2010

    Thanks for uploading this ;)

  21. warshark01 May 26, 2010

    Very nice picture~ Thanks!

  22. zarakitaichou Aug 18, 2010

    What a great picture! I just love andrerw!

  23. DungeonDice Jan 03, 2011

    good scan since you don't see much of them even though they were important in the seriesgood scan since you don't see much of them even though they were important in the series

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