
One Piece Wallpaper: This way, please [W]

Eiichiro Oda, Toei Animation, One Piece, Sanji Wallpaper
Eiichiro Oda Mangaka Toei Animation Studio One Piece Series Sanji Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

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I can practically hear Fukushuusha rolling his eyes at my font :P

Anywho, very very simple bg and vector. It's been a while since I've done a wall with vector brushes and stuff. I believe these brushes are from PaulW.
Sanji is vectored from this screenshot, and as you can see he originally had a cigaratte, but I removed it (don't make fun of my finger!) to make it look like he was snapping his fingers (or so I hope it looks like that o_0). I just really love this screenshot... I mean, the position Sanji's hips are in and his arm... everything is too cool. Like Sanji.
Yes, those are circles on his jacket. The circles on his jacket are not the same ones as the ones in the bg. *Just to make sure everyone understood*

Uhhh... what else? Oh, 1600 X 1200 version availible here.
Textures from DA!.

Time: 2-3 hours (wasn't sure what I was doing)
Layers: 14

And I just want to take this opportunity to say
Happy birthday, Limefreak!

Comments welcome!
Edit: Changed the font, thanks RSK ;)

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  1. Morphee Mar 13, 2006

    very cool pose! i love how you fitted the circles in his black suit! and very nice orange/brown colours.
    lovely and simple wallpaper
    great job!

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 13, 2006

    Well I'm really not a fan of One Piece...
    but I love your work and I love the simple
    feel of the wallie you made.
    and its also a vector >_< I just can't refuse <33
    love the wallie, nice job :)

  3. Limefreak Mar 13, 2006

    lol... nice :D
    I love it the vector is awesome and the brushes fit the wallpaper nicely ;)

  4. Misato-Kun Mar 13, 2006

    OoOoOoO..Wow! Yet another simple, composed and original piece of work Chloe-chan. I as well am not a big fan of One Piece, but this wall just caught my eye. Great backround and again I just love the simplicity, your work always piques my interest. Keep up this amazing talent and I can't wait to see more :D

  5. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Mar 13, 2006

    Well, im not a big fan of vectored art,but i have to comment this.

    The whole wall is good, the arrows and those circles look nice but when you reach the title is like... WTF?, maybe you can try something more solid like impact, or some tech font like Andover. Well, again is good, the simplicity, the work around the character everything flows, but the font cut it.

  6. zeroenna57 Mar 13, 2006

    nice job again you do pretty well with vectors. ^_^

  7. GoodnightAndGo Mar 14, 2006

    Eventhough it's simple, it's still great. I didn't know he had cigaratte in his hand until, I read the comment field. Those patterns as well as those brushes are awesome!

  8. Machika Mar 14, 2006

    The vector is simple but very intersting, Chloe-chan >_< Another One Peace vector from you :D *adding to fav*

  9. Devildude Mar 14, 2006

    jeez. we are both whoring the same brushes over and over again, and still you do better than me. Great wall, very cool and subtle looking.

  10. enchantressinthedark Mar 14, 2006

    Chloe........... You're gonna make me die of envy because you can vector so good! Nyaaaaa XD Well lets see, this wall ish very very simple, a few splats of brushes but the vector ish seriuosly awesome ^_^ I wonder how the guy looks like from front :D

    Well, the brushes looks a lil weird...the colour ish so light for the background but for his coat its kinda okay. But it seems like his coat has circles o_0 And the font ish too teensy weensy for mah eyes to see XD So not only fukuusha's rolling his eyes...me too XD Plus a lil squinting XD

  11. acid-awakening Mar 14, 2006

    Circles circles circles.... everywhere
    that other one with the pipe olredi had enough Lolz
    Anywayz..... nice wall
    Thanx for Sharing

  12. nolove Mar 14, 2006

    oh i cant stop loving your vector chloe-chan, hoe it's really really awesome >_<, wish wish one day i can vector like you, i love vector very much :), +fav for sure ^^ let's keep it up

  13. Amru-chan Mar 14, 2006

    Oh >__< ,very very awesome wallpaper XD. Fav from me ^^

  14. uchiha-vegeta Mar 14, 2006

    amazing , the simplicty fits very well , everything is great keep it up , and sanji rulez!

  15. geninlv1 Mar 14, 2006

    Cool. The pose is what I would like to call "gangsta".
    Maybe I should check out 'One Piece' sometime...

  16. Dragus Mar 14, 2006

    haha nice one chloe this is the chef from one piece that uses kunfu mostly with his feet, cool wall.

  17. bluSake Retired Moderator Mar 15, 2006

    So fun. Like the use of a seperate bubble pattern on his suit ::thinks Sanji in Gankutsuou costume XP :: & how the bubble look like their coming from his snapping fingers. The use of texture and vector also gives it a nice feel.

  18. Alfonse Mar 15, 2006

    Yet another One Piece wall from the great Chloe. xD
    This is a really nice one of Sanji. The simplicity is really nice. I like the brushes you used and the vectoring is done nicely. (as usual) Just one quick question, what's with the sudden urge of all these One Piece walls? Anyway, back to the wall... The font itself looks pretty good, it fits in nicely. Although I never got the chance to see the previous font. heh
    Well great job again Chloe-chan. I can't wait for the next one...although, I think I have an idea what anime it'd be from.

  19. Milkiyo Mar 15, 2006

    not paul's brushes again! O.O I'm getting a phobia of circles :P
    the vector alone is great..could've submitted it as a vector..looks better that way without circles >_<

  20. Ephemeral-Garden Mar 16, 2006

    Love the simplicity of retro! ^^ You really do good in circles eh Chloe-chan?

    I love how peach colours can blend so well with suck simple scan/vector. As simple as it, I don't really have much to say either. ^^ Nicely done. XD

  21. pegassuss Mar 16, 2006

    Nice wall. I like the compostion, it's simple but elegant. I like the orange colors you used for the circles they match really well. You did a good job on the vector too, nice and clean.

  22. LeeAnn Mar 17, 2006

    sanji's really cool! he's my fav one piece char.
    this wallie is very simple..
    "circles are pretty"

  23. paintmearainbow Mar 20, 2006

    Haha, I love the circles XD Like pegassuss has mentioned, the wallie is simple yet it has an air of elegance -nods-
    Awesome work :D

  24. Liz Mar 20, 2006

    loved that clip you showed me when he does that! He looks sooooo cool. love the pink bubbles and the character well done! straight all the way!

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