wow that's really nice, really like the effects you made in this wall.
Artist Comment
I always feel like something is missing when I "complete" a wall ... but I couldn't find anything and after staring at it for an hour trying to find something to add I came to the conclusion that it must be finished. Anyway, I wanted to make another grunge wall, so I was looking around for darker themed characters and came across this girl from the series Rozen Maiden. I have seen many others wall her using a scan that has her wings spread out, so I sought out a scan that hasn't been touched. I used a color scheme based from her dress and eye color that has a gradual turn from pink to dark purple. I also wanted to make this wall a bit different by placing the focus point on the left side instead of the usual right. Gah, I don't feel like typing ... so I'll summarize it.
The wall features a fade from light to darkness with the source of the light being generated by the girl as she twirls about genarating energy. You'll also notice the detailing of cathedral windows along with the gradual decay of the BG, symbolizing the past of the girl. Although she is surronded by darkness, she is able to overcome it and uses the darkness itself to become stronger. So in a sense it is her past that makes her stronger and echoes around her reminding her that the past does ripple into the future. Thus the name of the wall ... echoes of someone I used to be.
There are many other details in the background if you look closely and too many to type ... so enjoy it or something.
Aspiring Mafia
Member: eunasahng
Wall: Rozen Dreams
Reason: A skillful Rozen Maiden wall that was excellently vectored and worthy of
* I'll clean up the scan a bit more tommarrow ...
the thing was much worse in the beginning, but thanks everyone for bringing it to my attention.*
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neoeve Mar 02, 2006
Coshy Mar 02, 2006
Firstly, I really like this wallie, not just because the colors are beautiful, but also because the background is really wonderful *thumbs-up*
The scan is pretty and has a good quality, so I just can gratulate you for that, too ^.^
The only thing that irritates me a bit, is the white grunge effect...
I think that its a nice little effect normally...but imho the wallie would look better without it ^^'
But nevertheless,...good job ^.^
+fav -
Rhonda21 Mar 02, 2006
This is very pretty! I like how it looks darkish. The background is really really nice! Great Job!
phamthuha Mar 02, 2006
You never fail my expectation, tantaga-sama ^_^ I love this wallie, beautiful effect and sweet scan ^_^ I just think it is a bit blurry but it is quite good in your wall ^_^ Love love it so sure a fav! Keep up your wonderful design, sweetie!
Sandra Mar 02, 2006
Great ^__~ I Like the effects , the effect on the hands should be more fluffy in my opinion but it doesn't matter :P Fav + Oww and you have word Echoes in the title too :P
elentary Mar 02, 2006
Very Good
^^ -
thecatmistress Mar 02, 2006
remarkable! The dark purples are beautiful ^^ keep up the awesome work =3 +fav
knightstar3 Mar 03, 2006
wahh, yay. been waiting for your next wallie! :)
this is beautiful and i love the scan you chose.
such amazing effects, and the color tone is great. ^^ -
Lachette Mar 03, 2006
i have to say that this is a very nice wall, there is some points (more like personal complaints) id like to cover.
the scan you got isnt as clear and crisp as your effects that you have put into the background, i dont know if you understand what im trying to say, but she does look a bit blured compared to the sharpness of her background. and it really shows up when i see those really small white specks of stuff that are really sharp and have defined lines. the character has lines, but are blurred. thats all i really notice out of it. otherwise, i really do like the effects you have put into this wall. the colors you picked are really wonderfull too. it still gets my fav. ill look forward to your future work.
quantixar Mar 03, 2006
Waaii purple! waaii, big picture! \o/ *falls from chair*
Oh, and yeah, grat job with the wallie. It's almost perfect. :)
littlejonny100 Retired Moderator Mar 03, 2006
I'm very happy that you sought out an untouched scan, i love the sougin-tou wallpapers but some of the ideas are just overused. This wallpapers great not only because or it's originality but also your magic touch. Although the scan itself looks a little bit poor quality the way the background and mist have been used makes it feel absolutely perfect. I think you should be careful about adding to many things because sometime to many elements can ruin a wall, there doesn't seem to be anything lacking in my opinion.
Milkiyo Mar 03, 2006
it's a little on the blur side...dusty but very well defined bg...a lot of intiguing details :)
style is giving off a wholesome feeling so do not fret :P
very nice touch of shadowing :P -
Yina Mar 04, 2006
ahh *fav
you can read my comment on AP xDD
DepressedYoukai Mar 04, 2006
Purplyyyyyyy, such prettyness! I love teh title too ^_^
ipiotchi Mar 05, 2006
who is rozen maiden? is it an anime or a manga? from all the art ive seen from her i think its pretty cool!
lthnadml Mar 05, 2006
Very beautiful wall . . . i like the Rosen maiden and i love purple color . . . lovely effects on the background . . . very , very beautiful. Thanks for the share! XD XD XD
meritenshi Mar 05, 2006
fav + so cute i love it a lot nice job :P congratulation
timmyboy5486 Mar 05, 2006
Yay~ Such a kawaii Suigintou~! Nice job! XD
royaldarkness Mar 05, 2006
this is absolutely gorgeous ^.^ the color of the background really matches the character :)
SugarBaby Mar 05, 2006
Great, SuiginTou (for the people who don't know her... thats the girl on the wallpaper ;) ) looks great!
And I like the colors! :)
Good work! :D
And thanks for sharing of course! ;)
karuu Mute Member Mar 05, 2006
great ! this wally is beautiful ! =^_^=
ysh851118 Mar 05, 2006
Great ^__~ I Like the effects , the effect on the hands should be more fluffy in my opinion but it doesn't matter :P Fav + Oww and you have word Echoes in the title too :P
Asigha Mar 05, 2006
this wallie is sooo amazing good work && thanx for sharing :D
Apopis Mar 06, 2006
my congratulations good image
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