
Noir Wallpaper: A Perfect World

Noir, Kirika Yuumura Wallpaper
Noir Series Kirika Yuumura Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

saw kyrooo's beautiful noir scan and i had to wall it.
the wall is pretty simple and was a fast job. took around 5 hours in all to make it. if you didnt notice there is a mushroomcloud in the distance. i put it in since the original pic shows an innocent looking girl in this beautiful scenery while holding a gun. I liked the irony of it so i chose to make the bg ironic too by having a very pretty / surreal setting but with a mushroomcloud going off in the distance. Kinda reminded me of the irony used in the Clint Eastwood movie "A Perfect World" hence the title of the wall.

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  1. Dreadwing Jun 25, 2004

    Looks really good I still think thats not Kirika but ohwell.....

  2. Bamb0o-Stick Jun 25, 2004

    Wow, this totally blows my mind. Once I put it back together I'll fav this :D

  3. GundamZZ Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    dohhh....u beat me to it!!! XD i was thinking of walling it....haha....but u did a great job with it.....very nice wall crapmonster.....i jsut find the text a tad too big tho... ^_^

  4. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    As always mate...Agent Orange get up! :)

    Nice job!

  5. Angelette Jun 25, 2004

    That's some really nice sky and water. Great work!

  6. UndyingShadow Jun 25, 2004

    beeeeeeauuuutiful. I love the scan, and you made a excellent wall out of it. great job!

  7. AzNKiDoOo2 Jun 25, 2004

    wOw..Awsome Clouds!

  8. Osiris Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    wicked skies :)

  9. kc2 Jun 25, 2004

    Oh! Nice work, the bg looks great!!! And the char too..

  10. Kev Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    looks good, ehehe

  11. Xueli Jun 25, 2004

    the scan is indeed beautiful

  12. Cloudnine Jun 25, 2004

    damn.. I have to figure out how you made that god-yummy sky XD

  13. sammo Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    a real nice job bro! ^_^ V

  14. exentric Jun 25, 2004

    those skies are awesome~!!! XD

  15. phaerax Jun 25, 2004

    well... great... what can i say? so impressive my fingers go numb and i cant type in comments...

  16. Meg Jun 25, 2004

    the clouds looks good but the water looks a little funky >_<. The text could also use some work. not bad =)

  17. Shota Jun 25, 2004

    wow, its very peaceful...

  18. Adie Jun 25, 2004

    Perfect composition

  19. lanesra Jun 26, 2004

    damn....very nice wall there

    *adds to fave*

  20. KohakuXP Jun 26, 2004

    This wallpaper is ...good for desktops! :) Seriously, what are you bad at? XD

  21. Noctum Jun 27, 2004

    Good work. :)
    The sky looks awesome, the water could use some more details, though.

  22. may Jun 27, 2004

    Very interesting concept .. with the whole mushroom cloud ^_^ .. I wouldn't have noticed it >_< .. haha.. it reminds me of a novel you have to interpret and analyze.. o_o;; .. x_X;; .. ^^;; anyway.. you did a really nice job.. I sort of wish it was a little more colorful and on the warm side of colors.. but it helps to give your picture a rainbow-like look~

    The only thing that really stands out and makes me go, "Oh >_< .. almost perfect.. except.." would probably be the text. It seems to have brown and black in it, and takes away from the whole "color" of the wall.. especially because it is text, it stands out too much and takes away from the calm feeling of the wall. If you perhaps fixed the colors and maybe even make it a cursive font, it might help to bring out the elegance of the original picture.

    Nice job though ^_^ I'm glad to see that the person who walled it was you~ X3 .. You can really help to emphasize an image and make it into something beautiful. Keep up the great work, crapmonster!

  23. MuZ0NaZ Jun 27, 2004

    would be a perfect noir wp, just i dont like the text in the back

  24. ChiLLiaN Jul 01, 2004

    wow, too pretty. i love it

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