
Princess Tutu: Princess Tutu x 2

Hal Film Maker, Princess Tutu, Ahiru Arima
Hal Film Maker Studio Princess Tutu Series Ahiru Arima Character


anyone disagree that this is one of the best shoujo anime ever? =P

edit: source found -> http://nyahnyah.net/tutu/

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  1. nat Jun 24, 2004

    It's a poster from the first "Guide to Princess Tutu" Book. =3

  2. Natsu Jun 24, 2004


  3. CosmoStar May 02, 2005

    I love ballet! i would like to know how to dance... meanwhile, I'm content in seeing such beautiful pics like this one. Princess Tutu is kinda interesting...

  4. Shkira Jul 19, 2005

    Disagree? Could never. Just started watching it and I'm hooked! Great scan!

  5. triste Aug 05, 2005

    Aww, very pretty scan of Tutu. She looks so sweet and elegant and pretty in this one!

  6. Hafoka Feb 20, 2006

    I love this show!

  7. Ningo Jun 27, 2006

    Yeah *-* Princess Tutu is the best!

  8. ROMIO Nov 06, 2006


  9. KaiLi Dec 24, 2006

    I don't! ^.^
    It's definitely a fantastic anime! :D
    And she's a fantastic dancer, I love her expressions! :D
    Thx for the scan!

  10. lianekoishinkurukia Jan 29, 2009

    The scan is very sweet, but I disagree with the best-shoujo anime thing. But it's a nice series to watch. Too bad for the line in the middle, but it's a nice scan anyway

  11. marcosmos Mute Member Dec 07, 2009


  12. disgaea4eva Apr 05, 2010

    Thankyou for the nice scan

  13. nayomira May 12, 2010

    such a beautiful scan! thx a lot

  14. MelgyArt Oct 22, 2010

    ? ?? Lovely scan! ? Once upon a time, there was a princess who was dancing... Tralala ? ??

    ? Thanks for sharing X?X?X ?

  15. SiriGirl Nov 24, 2010

    Love this shot of her! thanks!

  16. CrazyMialuvsAnime Nov 29, 2010

    great pic thanx for sharin

  17. MrsChaos42 Feb 16, 2011

    Definitely agreed! Not only is it one of the best shoujo series, it's the best mahou shoujo series ever. >u<
    Lovely scan~<3

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