
Moldavite Wallpaper: Sing in Tears

Carnelian, Moldavite, Mistrel Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Moldavite Visual Novel Mistrel Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hi every1
hihi, about some week i didnt make any new wallie ^__^, but i really get sick with my schedule these day it's terrible and if my mom found me sitting here beside my comp she will kill me T___T, but i still wanna upload this, coz this is my present for all you, my friends in MT, as the gift for new year(all country thought you dont have the lunar year too ^__^). coz i dont have much time on it, it turn out to be a very simple wallie ^__^, but hope you can enjoy it.

smth about my wall:
oh coz i dont have much time on it it looks really messy i cant do anything, i try to fix but that doesnt realy work, still, i also love it coz it's mine.

oh, i did it in the really small res coz the scan isnot at good quality, my sweet friend has it and send it to me coz she know i love the art of Orbit :D, and i cant find the larger >__<, so sori every1.

one more thing, look at my wall, from its name to it's display, there's nothing looks like new year or happy, i just see the feeling of hot, sadness T__T but that's somehow my feeling now, im not happy at all >__<. but i want all you to know, from the bottom of my heart, i wish you all a happiest year, with ur family, friends..... ^___^.

ok, i have to go now if i dont want to be killed, biebie every1, i afraid i cant reply ur comments and fav but you know, i appreciate each advice from you for my improvement ^__^, all my sweet friends *hugs all*


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  1. revontulet Jan 28, 2006

    Whoa! never seen this scan b4!
    has a nice autumn feeling ..nice and warm :) Its so pretty! Well done :D

  2. vodkamint Jan 28, 2006

    Very nice background, very nice scan! You did really well! I really love the atmosphere! A fav from me for sure!
    Keep it up! Take care~ :3

  3. tamtoom Jan 28, 2006

    this wall is a gr8 1, i rly liked the scan, n i will fav it 4 ya:D

  4. aishiteraburu Jan 28, 2006

    it looks wonderful
    the clouds and the tree look great
    but i think u can add some more effect
    other than that all is ok

  5. kiukirilya Jan 28, 2006

    The scan is awesome! And the bg looks great! You did a great job! ^^ a fav' for me!

  6. uchiha-vegeta Jan 28, 2006

    nice scan , the bg is amazing too , great job ^^

  7. phamthuha Jan 28, 2006

    Very nice, sweetie ^_^ But i think the tree miss it real direction, the thing far must be blurer....
    Oh sure it is still a very nice wall ^_^ The scan is unique and the idea is really a nice touch ^_^
    Very proud of you, Nolove-chan *hug* Of course a fav from me ^_^ Adding to CW gallery....

  8. ShiXon Jan 28, 2006

    i really love the background it has an eerie touch to it and i like the expression~ i love the mood in this wallie, a bit mysterious like ^___^ haha, you probably don't get what i'm talking about xppp just gonna fave it now

  9. rafaellaGP Jan 28, 2006

    wah! nice colors o.o
    pretty scan!^^
    i like the trees in bg!
    and...hehe... i like of the your new avatar! XD
    great work!^^

  10. Milkiyo Jan 28, 2006

    aww...so sweet..hope u're better^^
    the title doesn't fit that much with the effect but other than that it's ok^^
    don't look that messy like u said..it deserves a fav hon^^

  11. enchantressinthedark Jan 28, 2006

    Wow....this ish ze alternate scan of ze princess ish it not? ^^ She looks pretty! Not much effects but the character doesnt really blend into ze background ^_^' But you've done a good job cleaning ze scan ^^ Keep it up!

  12. xianghuax Jan 28, 2006

    That looks hawt~! LOVING IT~! WHOOO~! -fav- it gives so much emotion and it's so beautiful yet looks so simple but not so simple at the same time oO;; am I making sense? xD Well great work!~

  13. Machika Jan 28, 2006

    This is very cute nolove-chan! I love the scan and the colors. Your bg is beautiful too! Fav. from me! :D

  14. Chloe Retired Moderator Jan 28, 2006

    Very cool! The scan is awesome and though the bg is a little plain, you gotta love the colors and the trees! Great job!

  15. xianghua Jan 28, 2006

    Wow! beautiful nolove! I love it! The scan is so lovely! Great effects!
    Thx lots! +favs


  16. AngelKate Jan 28, 2006

    Very lovely! I've never seen that scan before. :) The tree looks a little odd...maybe you should have blurred it a bit more, but this is still a very beautiful wall. ^_^ Great job! :)

  17. Qooly Jan 28, 2006

    the wall u make seem special n the scan is great, overall ur wall has a specail feeling to it

  18. moonelf313 Jan 28, 2006

    Wow! So cute! Great job! Adding to my favs! :)

  19. Emma Jan 28, 2006

    Why are you not happy?
    Why the 'sing in tears' *concerned* I hope everything will turn out good for you. And this is so sweet of you to make this gift for all of us *hugs*
    You are very beautiful in heart.
    Now that I read your description, I too get a sense of sadness as I look upon her. The wall has such a melancholy atmosphere with the contrast in colors and deep shade of purple about her. It is very pretty your work. And again, I hope you cheer up *presents a lilly as a gift*

  20. trinigirl524 Jan 28, 2006

    how sweet nolove. i hope that your new year would be great as well. i hope that everything turns out for the best with you.
    this is a really lovely wall. the chara looks really great, but the backgrouns is what makes such a sad melachonoly scene. overall wonderful job ^^ a fave+

  21. happygreendragonfly Jan 28, 2006

    It is very NICE! @_@

  22. sylvacoer Jan 28, 2006

    Happy New Year to you too! That is an awesome scan you used, and I'm glad you didn't go the cliche route and used a night scene - an autumn sunset is an excellent contrast and makes it unique!

  23. bluSake Retired Moderator Jan 28, 2006

    Cute. The bg is nicely done, though the colors look a bit drab in contrast to the girl. Hm...the text, too, I think could be more smoothly arranged.

  24. fawna-chan Jan 29, 2006

    i love the scan. but i think that it's kinda weird that the background is not purple but the chara is all purple...the text is okay. gives off a...sad sorta feeling.

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