
Shining Tears Wallpaper: D's Vector Brushed to Oblivion 4: Oblivion in Silence

Tony Taka, Shining Tears, Blanc Neige Wallpaper
Tony Taka Mangaka Shining Tears Game Blanc Neige Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The long anticipated wait for no.4 is finally here.
Hope u all like this one, I know it lacks colors, but as you know, I am a graphic artist, to me, black and white is just as rich as colors, everything is when you enjoy it.

Overall, I think that is the complete set of The Vector Brushed to Oblivion series, I don't assume there will be anymore, maybe...but not quite.

anyway, shapes and abstract as usual, Paul W's brushes.
Thanks again, I love his brushes so much.

Brush whore again, style is meant to be chaos and chaotic, theme is silent after the storm.

I placed her blur because if you played around with a camera scene focused on the back then you will know what I mean.
Basically it had nothing to do with the series, it is what I wanted to present.
The camera is focused on a chaos background, as she shlowly drifts away from it, she is not the focus, hence blurred so that she is almost as if to walk away from the camera focus, that is still looking at the background, but we know, she is still in there, saddened by it and not wanting to look back...

overall looks messy i know, but as u can see, it is supposed to reflect a silence after a stormy event, when everything looks bleak, all things seem to fade.
So here is the one, hope u all enjoy it as much as I do.

I thank you all for the support, and thanks to people who are willingly faving stuff from me, it is an honor!

As usual, CnC is welcome, do keep the "one lined comments" to yourself, if you aint got nothing good to say, no need to.

Special dedication goes out to all you people out there!
Voice out to S2O, Free-Wallers, DivineAwards, SwordShanaLily, FateRebirth, the five groups that are all my affiliates Thanks, all of you in there and here!

Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: boogybro
Reason:Simplicity, even though the same as black and white, the simplicity is stunning and entertaining. Wonderful piece.

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  1. thecatmistress Jan 27, 2006

    Cool I like the black and um white ness lol. ^^ keep it up! *favs*

  2. Milkiyo Jan 28, 2006

    looks like an old mag or newspaper
    say...the scan looks familiar...I think it's suitable in a way..the colours n everything..just that the scan could've looked better when some parts of it is brighter..wat's with da bubbles man? the circles..
    though it's a lil messed up, I think it deserves a fav^^

  3. enchantressinthedark Jan 28, 2006

    When I came here my eyes were like o_0 Haha... Again, you've done a really good job for the background! Nice job and using those brushes...Gawd...I think you're making me addicted to this kind of backgrounds XD But I think that you shouldnt erm...what shall I say...You should have left Neige like how she was...The picture of her here ish a lil' difficult to see ^_^' Well, everyone has their own style ^^ Well done Devildude!

  4. ayaki Jan 28, 2006

    Love the brush works in this one too.
    The sharpness in the bg looks great.
    so it leaves me with a question .... why is she so blurred?
    i'm guessing here that...like what u've said...."silence after a stormy event"...u're focusing the chaos in the bg...and i feel as tho she's leaving it...and walking away from it.....and that's why she's out of focus *___* am i close? hehe
    it's just what i imagined after looking at this wall.
    great job!~, Devildude & keep it up =)

  5. Farewell Jan 28, 2006

    Dude hell yeah, this wall is amazing, the brushes are so cool and the black and white stuff i like it. Nice job

  6. uchiha-vegeta Jan 28, 2006

    dude , ur a true devil...

  7. Akarix Jan 28, 2006

    It iz so nice devildude-kun~! it reminds me of goth and i like goth XD the background rocks so detail and i really like detail stuffs nyaaa... so complicated so nice... *drooling*

  8. vodkamint Jan 29, 2006

    Amazing Devildude-san! The background is really cool! >___<;; ahh, I can never make a background like that...
    The scan is very unique. It's like seeing a character in the TV. I especially love the font, you made it so neat and place it in the right place.
    My only suggestion is to not put the effect on the scan too much, just lower it a little so that it will suit the background more.
    Other than that, *thumbs up* ahh~ Black and white rocks! =^^=
    A fav for sure! I'll be looking forward to your next wallie~

  9. Rikkablurhound Jan 31, 2006

    I think U did a great job, devildude^^
    U did the camera lensing thing nicely^^
    Very nicely done with the brushes...
    The whole BG looks like a mass of buildings being destructed...
    The blood brushes here & there Are nicely placed too^^
    Really nice word, DD
    It deserves a fav frome me...
    But I think a lil more white on the sides would make it better... >_<

    merged: 01-31-2006 ~ 05:51pm
    oh, I forgot, Ill feature it^^

  10. DanyAnnie Feb 05, 2006

    It's totally awesome and you're totally right about black and white being just as great as color. In a way it's better because your imagination can choose whatever color it wants to see.

    And I love how you were able to just put everything together! Whenever I try something like this, I usually get a mess. You, on the other hand, have been able to make a masterpiece.

    In short, I'm jealous >_<
    + fav

  11. HB13 Feb 15, 2006

    Very nice brush work all over. I appreciate your out of focus/blurred theme (outline & colors) for the scan but you still think that the white specks here and there in her black coat are needed (on the left side by her finger, and the next to the upper arm on the right side)?

  12. wert668 Jul 13, 2006


  13. Mononoke-Hime Dec 06, 2008

    awesome monochrome colortheme

  14. GoDxNero Feb 09, 2010

    ok this looks even more emo than other versions :P

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