
Memories Off Wallpaper: ~Sky...~

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Inori Misasagi Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Inori Misasagi Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another wallie from me! Lol
This took me lots of time! *sigh*
Started this four days ago and have been working on it since...

The extraction didnt take me lots of time but the effects did four example the clouds and water ( still think its not great)
Did some grass and added more petals.And i tried doing comets, that ive seen in some walls, and very lightly some flowers ( brush)
I dedicate this wall to my friendz @ MT ^.^
( i also would like to thank Alfonse-kun again for his beautiful drawing XD)
Hope you guys like it!


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  1. Chloe Retired Moderator Jan 19, 2006

    Very pretty!
    Some problems though: The scan seems to be cut off on the left side and the lens glare is too centrall and green. Nice water and sky though ^^

  2. Alfonse Jan 19, 2006

    Wow, this is really beautiful Xianghua.
    You've got a knack for making beautiful wallies.
    The scan just looks so calm and peaceful.
    These are the kind of walls I'm looking for.
    I mean the bg is so serene and the effects are great too.
    I'm not a waller, but I know a good wall when I see one. ;)
    Keep up the great work xianghua. ;)

  3. strawberrt Jan 19, 2006

    a wonderful wallpaper xianghua ^^ its much different from your previous ones. the scan is just lovely, and the background looks really nice! You put so much effort and work into this wall =) And it really shows.

    I gotta learn how to make my own clouds and stuff soon.

  4. ShrinkNerv4Eva Jan 19, 2006

    I like it. It's simple and elegant.

  5. nolove Jan 19, 2006

    so nice, so lovely xianghua-chan, i love this scan and you did a good job with it with the lovely BG behind ^^. keep it up

  6. phamthuha Jan 19, 2006

    So pretty ^_^ I really like the way you smoothen the scan... but there is some paths cut off in this work... Still it is a pretty wall ^_^

    Fav from me and introduce it to Colorfull Wallies, Xianghua-chan ^_^ You got a feature in CW now >_<!

  7. Miriallia Jan 19, 2006

    Wow! >___< You did a great job! O_O
    This wall is absolutely nice and very sweet! :D
    The petals are perfect there! ^.^
    Wonderful job! >_<<3

  8. walkure245 Jan 19, 2006

    It's very pretty. ^_^ The scan's quality is very nice and soft but I think the extraction on the left side needs a lil work. Also, a part of her uniform is missing. You could draw it in to create a more natural look. The bg is sweet and simple. The clouds were done well but I think the lighting of the sun is lil awkward from the viewer's point of view. But the water and the grass looks good and the petals are a nice touch. Really nice work.

  9. enchantressinthedark Jan 21, 2006

    Very lovely wallpaper! The background ish a lil' plain but it ish very serene and calm! I love it!

  10. Zoamel Jan 21, 2006

    The extraction could be a bit better but overall the wall is simply wonderful.
    The background is looking so beautyful.

  11. vodkamint Jan 22, 2006

    weee~ It's so calming and simple! Beautiful in its own way! The clouds are nice too! :3 Well done, keep it up! *adds to faves*

  12. Genevieve-galz Jan 22, 2006

    Pretty wall Xinghua-chan! ;)
    the background is all good except for the sun...hmmm i guess the way you place it or maybe the colour combination of it...its green ne? maybe you could make it abit more orangy ^_^
    the scan is beautiful and extation can be improve. Clouds lookin good...looks real and all fluffy like cotton candis **glomps clouds** XD
    the petals adds to nice finishin touches overal!
    Very Good effort and stuff on this wan too! :)
    keep up you talented skills! ^_^

  13. Kairi-Hearts Jan 22, 2006

    wow so beautiful^^
    nice work! I love it. instant fav^^

  14. nikorai Jan 23, 2006

    nyaa! the wall is very cute. great job. im glad you dedicate your time for the works like that. its a pleasure to look at them.

  15. jeffng9 Feb 02, 2006

    a simple and peaceful wallpaper
    keep up the good work~

  16. aaa127water Feb 08, 2006

    Like the color of this wallpaper.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  17. eternally-asuka Feb 17, 2006

    i love the petals effect! lovely wallie! this wallie is so calm! -..-

  18. MokaIsCute Apr 09, 2009

    nice nice love the lighting

  19. Nayoby Mute Member Dec 04, 2009

    esta preciosa, es muy linda, impresionante y bella

    me gusta muchisimo

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