This is your first? Wow, very nice. Extraction of the scan is superb.
One question about the bg, why is a small section of it in grey in the upper left corner?
my first wallpaper..........
Browse Black Cat Gallery: Recent | Popular.
This is your first? Wow, very nice. Extraction of the scan is superb.
One question about the bg, why is a small section of it in grey in the upper left corner?
awesome background! very nicely done. Thank you so much!
Hi. O_O First wallpaper? Pretty impressive. What is that grey thing up at the left corner?........? Lol, I think your background is a bit too.......... bright o-o It hurts my eyes xD But for some sort of reason... it matches with the scan. I think it's the black... anyways.. good job. Hope to see more of your works soon. Ja ne.
thanks for it
merged: 09-22-2009 ~ 11:07pm
thanks for it
Excelent Wallpaper ^_^...
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