A very interesting cross-over ^^;
Artist Comment
It took me a while to come up with the design for this. Cleaning was a bit of work as well. Most of all, the subtitle "Attack of the Fangirls," seemed the appropriate choice out of all my ideas. Love Tama-nee! ^_^
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Anime-fan Jan 14, 2006
lordvortex Jan 14, 2006
wtf :S
Devildude Jan 14, 2006
unique piece...but otherwise quite well done. Should have been fanboys...since she is always admired by men.
MarlinWahoo Jan 14, 2006
Quote by Devildudeunique piece...but otherwise quite well done. Should have been fanboys...since she is always admired by men.
Actually, I did consider that, but I decided against it for several reasons. The first one is that it looks like Tamaki is the one doing the attacking. It woudln't make sense if the fanBOYS were attacking her. Second, I firmly believe that the primary purpose of To Heart 2 is to attract girls to anime. There is very little reason for males to watch an anime in which girls fall for a "nice guy." Third, I continued to think about the anime and how the main male character Takaki is being admired by every female lead. In a sense, they are all "fans" of him. Some are a little more forceful about their friendships with Takaki than others. Hence, "Attack of the Fangirls."
zadkiel Jan 15, 2006
hilarious, you certaintly have a very unique imagination
hikago Mar 28, 2006
Wow, this is such a hilarious wallpaper! Very creative use of the TH2 scan XD
This is definitely a favorite! -
LangYing Jun 16, 2006
Yeah, but don't forget the all improtant question, boys... IS she light side, or darkside.....?
DragonboyVNY Jun 18, 2006
Tamaki attack us? Guys, We are so doomed... *cries despite being a guy*. But we love you too much Tamaki!
Great wall, you inspired this funny feeling heheh, called laughter!
JapAnimeFan Banned Member Aug 29, 2006
COOL! That's one good way to make a parody of Star Wars.
mircoking Jan 19, 2007
star wars?its funny,Tamaki become a fighter!you are very smart!if i were you,i cant so imange
PrairieDogGuy2006 Mar 07, 2007
Ohhhhh, I likee ! :) The thought of Tamaki being a Jedi knight , does she stay on the "Light" side or does she go to the "Dark" side ? MMMMmmmmm, very interesting. There is no in between, either you do or you don't. Annikin Skywalker, you got compitition !
Thanxs for the share ! ;)
locuspocus Nov 01, 2008
darth onee chan xD
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