
Pani Poni Dash Wallpaper: PPD: Lolikon City

Shaft (Studio), Pani Poni Dash, Rebecca Miyamoto, Vector Art Wallpaper
Shaft (Studio) Studio Pani Poni Dash Series Rebecca Miyamoto Character Vector Art Source

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Wow... it's only been 7... maybe 8 months since I last made a wallpaper. I would say that I've been too busy, but that'll be a partial lie, so I'll add the fact that no decent ideas have popped into my head during the time alloted... until now.

Incase you haven't noticed, it's Pani Poni Dash. I used the Terminator Becky for this one, with slight improvements to make her look more gansta. Why gansta? Well, incase you haven't noticed this part of it either, it's styled after the loading screen from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I was playing the game at the time I saw the becky image and said "that'll work a charm".

This is my first pure vector wall. The text was done in Photoshop, but text in PS is vectored anyway, so it's all vectors. Re-working and re-creating Becky was a damn nightmare and took me about 2 weeks to do, the back ground however, took about 20 minutes and is a screenshot of the school gates.

And for those of you who think that the wall looks a bit too... warm. There's also an ora::cough:: Blue version for you to get your hands on. I live please.


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  1. Taurec Jan 08, 2006

    Yoooooouuuuuu should be miiiineeee!
    Saw the source on ?.....chan
    Great job... you win an internet... <grin>

  2. Milkiyo Jan 08, 2006

    cool...simply cool vector..the expression is classic XD so damn funny LOL
    like he's trying hard not to burst out...

  3. dimitri Jan 08, 2006

    hahaha is a cool vector very funny !

  4. screenlooker Jan 08, 2006

    why dont we have more of these?

  5. melymay Jan 08, 2006

    *rolls on floor laughing* XD nice wall katz! can i call you katz? XD well, i like the theme of this wall, my bro loves those grand theft auto games.. >_> it's a bad influence (did i spell that rite?) on him XD anyways, keep it up! +fave

  6. bromithia Retired Moderator Jan 08, 2006

    Ew, Grand Theft Auto.. why? ;_;

  7. moonlight-shawdow Jan 08, 2006

    He he classic-.-
    I loves it >.< itmakes me laugh

  8. neka Jan 09, 2006

    Great great great!

  9. jeffng9 Jan 09, 2006

    this wallpaper is super cun

  10. Yuki-san123 Jan 09, 2006

    That is really cool. Awesome vector ^^ This is really great work.

  11. polarie Jan 17, 2006

    wooo! nice one! yeah it's very GTA! but nice one! i like both colors!

  12. changkwanchok Jan 17, 2006

    LOL i love this wallpaper

  13. glamdring Mar 04, 2006

    This wallpaper is SO funny , thanks for bringing it to Minitokyo !

  14. joemighty16 Apr 02, 2006

    That is so awesome! Thanks so much for posting! You did really well in capturing GTA alongside the Terminator. Great Job!

  15. piggy-san444 Jan 28, 2007

    I need to finish this series.
    Nice wall.

  16. ced1106 Sep 09, 2007

    This wp's been stolen all over the net (and repeatedly posted on 4chan) which means this is one *great* wallpaper. Hope to find more PPD wallpapers, especially based on the psychedelic OP theme of the early eps. Keep up the good work!

  17. BlackSponge Feb 20, 2008

    Becky in all her GTA rip-off glory.
    Excellent is all I can say.

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